Download non obvious search terms

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Economics of digitization wikipedia , lookup

List non obvious terms for:
Sherlock Holmes
Foreign holidays
CURRENCY examples – look for dates on the following pages. What do you think of them? try a search for Pizza in your town try a search on bbc for a current programme
CURRENT AWARENESS (SDI - Selective Dissemination of Information)
These are services available to alert you to recently published literature in your field
of specialization
It is essential to get all the facts – establish an information profile of what the client wants
In groups discuss what needs to be known (in terms of the topic and in terms of the
service) about enquiries for Current Awareness on the subjects:
Toy Soldiers –
Royal Souvenirs –
Franklin mint collectables –
Arsenal Football Club –
Set up a Netvibes account
Invisible web - American but relevant
Dark Internet, Dark Web -
1. What constraints might a client might put on an information search?
2. Give one example of dynamic information and one of static information.
3. When using a search engine to find information about Cardiff what Boolean logic
would you use to exclude results about Cardiff City (the football club)?
4. If you wanted information about philosophy, philosophers and philosophise
how would you use a wildcard in your search?
5. If you were searching for information about the polar explorers Scott, Shackleton
and Amundsen what non-obvious search terms might you include?
6. Which part of this web address is the domain name?
7. Why might the best web site returned by a search engine not be at the top of
the list?
8. What is the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web
9. What is the difference between the Invisible web and the Dark Internet?
10. What do search engine ‘Spiders’ or ‘Web bots’ look for?
11. When searching for information about the conflict between Israel and Hamas
what other search terms might you use? Give three examples.
12. If asked to find everything you could on a subject area rather than one specific
piece of information, would you use a search engine or some other means?
13. If your search results in numerous longwinded web addresses what might be
the most appropriate format to present them to the client and why?
14. If you did a search on a web authors name to confirm his credibility, what
might you look for?
15. Suggest a simple way to check the accuracy of information.
16. If you were searching for political information how might you try to reduce the
effect of bias from your results?
17. What might be the problem with emailing a stock market price to a client?
18. What is generally poor about this web page design?