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Jeopardy- Islamic Empires
10 pts. Which branch of Islam did the Ottomans ascribe to? Sunni
**How was Islam under the Ottomans different than in other Islamic empires? Women
were more respected, shari’a law was not as strict, Ottomans were more willing to
interpret Islam in a way that made sense during changing times.
20 pts. Who is considered to be the greatest of all Ottoman rulers? Suleyman the
** Who founded the Ottoman empire? Osman
30 pts. What was the name of the elite military establishment that worked to defend the
Ottoman Empire? The Janissaries
**What was so especially unique about the Janissaries? They were originally nonMuslims, mostly Christians, who had been taken at a young age, converted to Islam and
trained to work for and protect the empire.
40 pts. In what year did the Ottomans take Constantinople? 1453
**Which empire ended as a result of this takeover? The Byzantine Empire
50 pts. The Ottoman Empire finally disappeared after this war. World War I
**During which century did the Ottoman empire really start to decline? The 18th century
60 pts. What was the Ottoman policy towards people of other faiths? Tolerance. They
allowed them to follow their own religion, allowed minorities to run most of their affairs
on their own, including having separate courts for many issues.
**What was the name of the system the Ottomans used to allow religious communities to
have autonomous regions? The millet system
70 pts. What type of economic relationship did the Ottoman Empire develop with Europe
in the 18th century? A dependent relationship. Because the Ottoman empire failed to
industrialize, cheap manufactured goods from Europe were able to displace craft goods
made in the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans provided raw materials for Europe who
then sold the manufactured goods to the Ottomans.
10 pts. Which branch of Islam did the Safavids ascribe to? Shi’ite
**True or False: For most of their reign the Safavids were also quite tolerant of other
faiths within the region. False
20 pts. Who is considered to be the greatest of all Safavid rulers? Shah Abbas
**Who founded the Safavid dynasty? Shah Ismail
30 pts. Which empire was the Safavid Empire in constant conflict with? The Ottomans
**Why did the Safavid Empire lose so many battles with the Ottomans in the early
1500s. Because the red heads, the military elites of the Safavids, refused to use firearms,
whereas the Ottomans had adopted gunpowder weapons early on.
40 pts. The Safavids were able to gain an advantage over the Ottomans because they
allied with this region of the world against the Ottomans. Europe
**Why would the decline of the Ottoman Empire also lead to the decline of the Safavids?
Because they relaxed, kicked back, and forgot that running an empire takes work and
concentration even when you are not at war.
50 pts. What percentage of Iran became Shi’ite under the Safavid empire? 90%
**Under the Safavids, the government became a theocracy. What is a theocracy? A
country in which the religious authorities run the country
60 pts. The particular brand of shi’ism the Safavids adhered to was twelver shi’ism.
What is twelver shi’ism? The branch (majority) of Shi’ites who believe that when the
world ends the 12th Imam will return to earth in order to create a perfect Islamic society.
**In which country do most twelver Shi’ites live in today? Iran
70 pts. In the Safavid Dynasty the role of the ulema (with an e) has been important.
What is the ulema? It is the group of clerics considered to be the foremost religious
authority in a country.
**Please describe one instance in which the ulema figured prominently in the history of
the Safavid empire. When Ismail took power and started the Safavid Dynasty, he killed
the Sunni ulema and replaced it with a shi’ite ulema. In 1722 the Safavid dynasty comes
to an end when the ulema kicks out the shah
10 pts. Which famous building was created as a mausoleum for a beautiful wife? The
Taj Mahal
**Which leader sponsored the building of the Taj Mahal? Shah Jahan
20 pts. Who is considered to be the greatest ruler under the Mughals? Akbar
**Akbar created Din I Ilahi. Why? He wanted to create a religion that would bring
together all religions.
30 pts. Which religion was established during the beginning of the Mughal empire in the
Punjab region? Sikhism
**Name two beliefs of the Sikhs. Monotheism, equity between all races, ethnicities,
nationalities and genders, following the gurus, meditation, reincarnation, mysticism, you
should be willing etc.
40 pts. Which country was able to begin to colonize India under Jahingar? Great Britain
**Which institution did the British use in order to organize their initial colonial efforts?
The sent in the British East India Company to do the work for them
50 pts. What was Jahingar’s greatest weakness? His alcoholism
**What happened to his empire? It came under the control of his wife, Nur Jahan, who
probably used her position to gain wealth and power for her family.
60 pts. This group of Hindus banded together to bring down the Mughal Empire and then
fought against British imperialism. The Marathas
**Which religious group fought against the Mughal Empire and allied with the British?
The Sikhs
70 pts. Put the following Mughal emperors in order: Babur, Aurangzeb, Jahingar, Shah
Jahan, Akbar. Babur, Akbar, Jahingar, Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb
**How was Aurangzeb’s policies significantly different than his predecessors? He was
much less tolerant of other religions, he reinstated the jizya, etc.
Comparisons and Continuities
10 pts. Which of the three empires was emerged a more than a century before the other
two? The Ottomans, which really emerged during the 14th century.
**In what century did the Safavids and the Mughals emerge? During the early 16th
20 pts. Which two empires were the most religiously tolerant? The Ottomans and the
**Which two empires had good initial relations with the British? The Safavids and the
30 pts. What is shari’a law? Islamic law that was developed in the years after
Muhammad’s death.
**Which empire followed the strictest form of shari’a law consistently? The Safavids
40 pts. Name one significant difference between modern day Iran and modern day
Turkey. Turkey has a secular political democracy, Iran is a theocracy
**If you were to look at female politicians in Turkey and Iran, how would you be able to
tell the difference just by looking at them? Female politicians in Turkey would have their
heads uncovered and would probably be wearing western dress, female politicians in
Iran would definitely have their heads covered and would probably be covered head to
toe in black with just their face showing.
50 pts. In which empire did the leader rule mostly over people who were not of the same
faith as him? Mughal
**The majority religious group under the Mughal empire was…Hindu
60 pts. In which empire was the leader probably the most removed from his people? The
Mughal Empire
**True or False: In the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires, most rulers did not pay
attention to public opinion at all. False
70 pts. All three empires declined for similar reasons. Give at least two reasons why all
three declined. They all had problems with hereditary succession, they all failed to
industrialize and thus became economically dependent on Europe, all their empires
suffered from political corruption
**During which century did they all decline and in some cases disappear? 18th century
10 pts. All three of the early modern Islamic empires were gunpowder empires. What
does it mean to be a gunpowder empire? That the empire gained power because of their
use of gunpowder.
**True or False: The Ottoman Empire was secular. False
20 pts. What is the majority ethnicity in Iran? Persian
**What was the majority ethnicity in the Ottoman Empire? Turkish
30 pts. Please explain the relationship between the Ottoman empire and the Jews. The
Ottomans welcomed the Jews who were expelled from Spain under Ferdinand and
**In what year did they extend this invitation? 1492
40 pts. Who is the current president of Iran? President Ahmadinejad
**What is the controversy over him right now? In Iran, there have been popular protests
(Green Movement) because people believe that his reelection was fraudulent. The poorer
classes have traditionally aligned with Ahmadinejad, but if the economy continues to
suffer, their loyalty may wane. He also is insisting that Iran have the right to enrich
50 pts. What is one of the biggest controversies in Turkey today? Whether or not women
should be allowed to wear headscarves in public institutions (like schools and
government, etc.)
**What is term for the belief that government and religion should be separate?
60 pts. Why might religious tolerance make a country stronger? Because the
government would not have to spend as much time putting down religious rebellions,
members of different religious groups often have ties with people of that same religious
group in other countries which can help facilitate trade…
**Give as many historical reasons as you can for why Turkey today is secular. They
have a historical tradition of pluralism from the Ottoman empire; during the 18th century,
the Ottomans fell far behind Europe economically, and after World War I, when the
Ottoman Empire was dismantled, the new Turkish government systematically attempted
to purge the government of “backwards” ways of governing and make their government
more “modern” (i.e. European).
70 pts. How is the population of Iran changing? It is much younger than it had been
before. As these young people grow up, their perspectives are likely to change the
government of Iran.
**Generally, people in Iran have a mixed view of the United States. Please explain the
complexity of their views. Generally, the young people like US culture and have no
problem with the American people. However, many in Iran dislike US foreign policy,
especially their support of Israel. Almost all Iranians, however, are against any US
interference in the affairs of their country.
10 pts. What modern day country is the inheritor of the Ottoman Empire’s legacy?
**What modern day country is the inheritor of the Mughal Empire’s legacy? India
20 pts. Point to the Anatolian Peninsula.
**What empire was centered on the Anatolian Peninsula? Ottoman Empire
30 pts. Point to the way the trade routes changed when the Ottoman empire began to
decline. They bypassed the Mediterranean and went around Africa
**Who originally found this route? Vasco de Gama
40 pts. Point to Istanbul on the map.
**What was Istanbul’s former name? Constantinople
50 pts. Point to Iran on the map.
**What empire controlled Iran during the 1500s to early 1700s? Safavids
60 pts. Point to Iraq on the map.
**What two empire fought over Iraq? Ottomans and Safavids
70 pts. Point to the Deccan Plateau on the map.
**Under what emperor did the Mughal empire expand through the entire Deccan plateau?