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Chapter 10
Section 1
1. Viscosity= A measure of fluid’s substance to flow
2. Vent= A opening in the surface of earth through which
molten rock and gases are released
3. Pyroclastic Material= Volcanic rock during an eruption,
including ash, bombs, and blocks
4. Volcano= A mountain formed of lava and/or pyroclastic
5. Crater= The depression at the summit of a volcano or
that which is produced by a meterorite impact
6. Shield Volcano= A broad, gently sloping volcano built
form fluid basaltic lava’s
7. Cinder Cone= Small volcano built primarily of
pyroclastic material ejected from a single vent
8. Composite Cone= Volcano composed of both lava
flow’s and pyroclastic material
9. Caldera= Large depression typically caused by collapse
or ejection of the summit area of a volcano
10. Pulton= Structures that result from the cooling and
hardening of magma at depth
11. Sill= forms when magma is injected along sedimentary
bedding surfaces, parallel to the bedding planes
12. Laccolith= A massive igneous body intruded between
pre-existing strata
13. Dike= A tabular- shaped intrusive igneous feature that
occurs when magma is injected into fractures in the
surrounding rock, cutting across pre-existing rock layers
14. Batholith= The largest intrusive of igneous bodies
15. Geothermal Gradiant= A change in temperature depth
16. Decompression melting= melting due to a drop in
confining pressure that occurs as rock rises
17. Intraplate Volcabism= Occurs within a plate, not at a
plate boundary