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The energy for life comes primarily from the Sun. Photosynthesis is the major way
the energy of the Sun is converted to sugars which provide for the energy needs of
living systems.
Plants and many microorganisms use solar energy to combine the inorganic
molecules carbon dioxide and water into energy-rich organic compounds such as
glucose sugar and release oxygen to the environment.
chloroplast: organelles that carry on photosynthesis in green plant cells
chlorophyll: the variety of green pigments within the chloroplasts
A Representation of Photosynthesis
The overall process of photosynthesis in a plant or algal cell is
shown in the graphic below. Plants use water and the energy
provided by sunlight to combine carbon dioxide into glucose
sugar with oxygen being released as a waste product.
Formula/Equations for Photosynthesis
Sunlight & enzymes
CO2 + H2O ------------------------ O2 + C6 H12 O6
Cell Respiration
In all organisms, organic compounds such as glucose can be used to make other
molecules. These molecules include proteins, DNA, starch, and fats. The chemical
energy stored in bonds can be used as a source of energy for life processes.
Stored energy is released when chemical bonds are broken during cellular
respiration and new compounds with lower energy bonds are formed. Cells
usually transfer this energy temporarily in phosphate bonds of a high-energy
compound called ATP. (adenosine triphosphate)
Formula/Equations for Cell Respiration
C6 H12 O6 + O2 ----------- CO2 + H2O +36 ATP ( useable energy)
Homeostasis by Plants
Maintenance of Water
plants need to regulate water loss and carbon dioxide intake for
photosynthesis and other life activities
when plants do not keep enough water in their cells, they wilt and
stomate: a microscopic hole in a plant leaf which allows gases to enter and
leave and water vapor to leave as well. Stomata is the plural of stomate.
guard cells: open and close the stomate.
the ability of the guard cell to close during periods of limited water
availability for the plant allows the plant to maintain water