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Events Leading to the Civil War Test Study Guide
Vocabulary to know:
 Popular Sovereignty- The idea that political authority belongs to the people.
 Sectionalism- A devotion to the interests of one geographic region over the country as a whole.
 Harriet Beecher Stowe- She was an abolitionist and author of the famous anti-slavery novel, Uncle
Tom’s Cabin.
 Stephen Douglas- American politician and pro-slavery nominee for president, he debated Abraham
Lincoln about slavery during the Illinois senatorial race.
 Dred Scott- Enslaved African who filed suit for his freedom stating that his time living in a free state
made him a free man; the Supreme Court ruling known as the Dred Scott decision upheld slavery and
found Missouri Compromise unconstitutional.
 Abraham Lincoln- Sixteenth president of the United States, he promoted equal rights for AfricanAmericans in the Lincoln- Douglas debates. His election set in motion the Civil War and issued the
Emancipation Proclamation. He was determined to preserve the Union.
 John Brown’s Raid- An incident in which abolitionist John Brown and 21 other men captured a federal
arsenal in Harper’s Ferry, Virginia, in hope of starting a slave revolt.
 Secession- The act of formally withdrawing from the Union.
 Confederate States of America- The nation formed by the southern states when they seceded from the
Union; also known as the Confederacy.
 Jefferson Davis- First and only president of the Confederate States of America.
1. Why was the Republican Party formed? What was the outcome of the election of 1860?
The Republican Party was formed to stop the spread of slavery. Abraham Lincoln wins the election of 1860
without carrying any southern states. The South is losing its national political power.
2. Describe the Compromise of 1850.
California became eligible for statehood. Many Californians opposed slavery, but adding it as a free state would
upset the balance. Henry Clay came up with the Compromise of 1850. Main points of the compromise are:
1) California will become a free state.
2) The Mexican Cession would be federal land and popular sovereignty would decide on slavery
3) Texas would give up land east of the upper Rio Grande. In return, the government would pay Texas’s debts
from when it was an independent republic.
4) The slave trade (not slavery) would end in the nation’s capitol.
5) A more effective fugitive slave law would be passed.
3. How did tariffs contribute to regional differences?
Tariffs benefitted Northern manufacturing by protecting their industries, but hurt the Southerners by raising the
prices of manufactured goods.
4. Who won the election of 1852? How?
The Democratic candidate, Franklin Pierce, won the election by promising to honor the Compromise of 1850
and the fugitive slave act. He had southern support.
5. Explain how Harriet Beecher Stowe impacted the United States.
Daughter of Lyman Beecher, wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin, which spoke out against slavery. This novel electrified
the nation, sparked outrage in the South, and increased abolitionist support.
6. What contributed to regional differences between the North and South? Explain.
Slavery- disagreed on the expansion of slavery in newly acquired territory.
Tariffs- benefited the North, but hurt the South.
States’ rights- the North believed in a strong federal government and the South wanted more states’ rights.
Economic differences- North based on industry, while the South was based on agriculture.
7. Describe the Fugitive Slave Act.
It made it a crime to help runaway slaves (6 months in prison/$1,000 fine) and allowed officials to arrest those
slaves in free areas.
8. What is the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
It was a plan that would divide the remainder of the Louisiana Purchase into two territories, Kansas and
Nebraska, and allow the people in each territory to decide on the question of slavery (popular sovereignty). This
act eliminated the Missouri Compromise’s restrictions on slavery.
9. Which states seceded from the United States of America? What separate country did the form? Who was
elected as president of the new country?
South Carolina (first in Dec. 1860), Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas seceded to
form the Confederate States of America, also called the Confederacy in February 1861. Jefferson Davis was
elected as president of the Confederacy.
10. Describe the Dred Scot Decision.
The Supreme Court ruled that African Americans, free or slave, were not considered citizens of the U.S.,
therefore they had no right to sue in a federal court. The court also stated that Congress could NOT outlaw
slavery in the territories.
11. How does the Dred Scot decision impact the United States?
-Increased sectional tensions
-Officially overturned the Missouri Compromise
-Increased the chance of the spread of slavery
-Declared that African Americans were not citizens.
12. What occurred during the Raid on Harper’s Ferry?
John Brown tried to incite a slave rebellion by capturing a federal arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia. He failed,
was captured, tried in court, and executed.
13. What were the Lincoln-Douglas Debates?
Debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas while they were both campaigning for the Senate seat
for Illinois. Lincoln argued to stop the spread against slavery and loses the race for Senate. Instead, he becomes
vital to the Republican Party.
14. What did the Supreme Court case Marbury vs. Madison establish? How did it impact the federal
Judicial Review. Judicial review allowed the Judicial Branch to check the other branches of government.
15. List the duties of the Legislative Branch.
-Create and pass laws
-Grant money
-Declare war
-Approve treaties
-Approve presidential appointments
16. What were Thomas Jefferson’s reservations regarding purchasing the Louisiana Purchase?
He believed in strict construction and the Constitution did not specifically mention the power of the president to
purchase foreign lands. He also did not want to add to the national debt.
17. List the duties of the Judicial Branch.
-Interpret the Constitution and other laws
-Review lower court decisions
-Judges are given life appointments