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Pre-Existing Conditions to the Civil War
Regional Disagreements – Debate over States’ Authority
Sectionalism – As the U.S. expanded, strong differences
developed among various regions. Decisions made benefited
individual regions rather that the country as a whole.
Disagreements about some of these issues threatened to tear the
Union apart.
Tariff = A tax – on some imports. Congress set a high tariff on
European goods. This protected the manufacturing North from
foreign competition.
Southern states relied on an agricultural economy, or way of life.
“Cotton was King.” England bought most of the South’s cotton,
who in turn bought many manufactured goods from England. The
tariff hurt the Southern states more than the Northern states.
“The Age of Jackson”
1829- Andrew Jackson becomes president. John C. Calhoun was
vice president. Although Jackson believed in States’ rights,
Calhoun believed vehemently that States’ rights should be
sovereign, not the federal government. The debate over States’
rights continued as Sectionalism grew stronger.
Slavery – As the western frontier was settled, pioneers disagreed
about whether slavery should spread into the new territories.
Free states vs Slave states – As the country grew, they tried to
keep a balance between the states.
Missouri Compromise – the Mason Dixon line located which
states would be free or slave states. This compromise worked to
balance the states for about 30 years.
Compromise of 1850- After the Mexican War, the debate about
slavery broke out again. Under this agreement, California (CA)
joined as a free state; other new lands were to decide for
Fugitive Slave Act – Forced all Americans to turn in people who
had escaped from Slavery. There were stiff consequences for
those who were caught. Northerners didn’t like this.
1854 – Bleeding Kansas – Kansas and Nebraska could not agree
on slavery. People flocked there to influence the outcome.
Fighting broke out, and more than 200 were killed. Kansas
eventually joined as a free state.
Many Americans in the slave states started talking about
seceding from the Union. There was much discussion as to
whether this was permitted under the U.S. Constitution. This was
the real issue that started the Civil War. The issue of slavery was
an afterthought that came well into the conflict.
Life As A Slave
Slaves had no rights and were regarded as property. They did not
go to school, and it was against the law for them to learn to read
or write. They earned no money, and could be sold, beaten, or
Underground Railroad - Many slaves escaped on the
Underground Railroad. It was a secret system of people, routes,
and safe houses used to escape to freedom. Most routes led
north to Canada. Harriet Tubman was one of the most famous
conductors on the Underground Railroad.