Download Review Sheet for Quest on Digestive and Excretory Systems

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Review Sheet for Test on Digestive and Excretory Systems
Fill in the blanks with a word bank: (To study: Write a paragraph that links these ideas
1. What part of the cell lets materials pass through to enter or exit the cell ______.
2. Describe mechanical digestion ________________________________________
3. Describe chemical digestion __________________________________________
4. List two reasons we need nutrients. ___________________ _________________
5. Describe two functions of the digestive systems. _____________ _____________
6. Describe the relationship of villi and capillaries.
7. Which organ filters urea from the body? ________________________________
8. Which system removes carbon dioxide from the body? _____________________
Multiple Choice: Write the name of the molecule that is described by its function.
(Make flashcards to study.)
1. contain the information for an organism to make proteins _____________
2. provide most of the energy for an organism _____________
3. build cells or determine the rate of chemical reactions ______________
4. fats and oils - can store energy, and make up cell membranes ______________
Matching: Write the name of the structure that is described by the function. (Make
flashcards to study.)
1. stores/ releases bile ____________________
2. begins chemical digestion of carbohydrates ________________________
3. takes in food _____________________
4. begins mechanical digestion__________________________
5. breaks down toxins, stores glycogen, produces bile_______________________
6. allows nutrients to enter blood___________________________
7. neutralizes stomach acid_______________________________
8. transports food to stomach______________________________
9. removes most water from feces ___________________________________
10.furthers digestion with muscles, acids, and enzymes _________________
Label diagram:
1. From the list above in the matching section, label a diagram of the digestive
system. Study the handout of the actual digestive system or the concept diagram
of the digestive system by redrawing or covering with sticky notes.
2. Label a diagram of the excretory system using: kidneys, ureters, bladder, and
urethra. To study, redraw and label or use sticky notes to study.
Order 4 processes (they will be typed out for you) that happen in the excretory system
starting with waste production in the cells (See p. 65 #1).
Bonus: If you saw a tube with a smooth inner lining and a tube with many projections on the inside,
which would be the esophagus and which would be the small intestine? Support your answer.