Mechanisms of gustatory coding in Spodoptera littoralis
... Taste is one of the fundamental senses by which animals can detect food sources (sugars, salts, lipids, amino acids) but also noxious compounds dissolved in aqueous solution or adsorbed on surfaces (leaf, cuticle). Unlike olfaction, where only cephalic organs are involved in the detection of volatil ...
... Taste is one of the fundamental senses by which animals can detect food sources (sugars, salts, lipids, amino acids) but also noxious compounds dissolved in aqueous solution or adsorbed on surfaces (leaf, cuticle). Unlike olfaction, where only cephalic organs are involved in the detection of volatil ...
Organization of projections from the basomedial nucleus of the
... Based on connections, the COAa and BMAa are part of the same functional system. The results suggest that cytoarchitectonically distinct anterior and posterior parts of the BMA are also hodologically distinct and form parts of distinct anatomical circuits probably involved in mediating different beha ...
... Based on connections, the COAa and BMAa are part of the same functional system. The results suggest that cytoarchitectonically distinct anterior and posterior parts of the BMA are also hodologically distinct and form parts of distinct anatomical circuits probably involved in mediating different beha ...
Antagonistic roles of Wnt5 and the Drl receptor in patterning the
... bulb1. Previous studies have shown that the pattern of glomeruli, or olfactory map, is a direct result of precise axon pathfinding and synaptogenesis2,3. Recent work in several species has identified a number of molecules that are necessary for the proper development of the olfactory map. These mole ...
... bulb1. Previous studies have shown that the pattern of glomeruli, or olfactory map, is a direct result of precise axon pathfinding and synaptogenesis2,3. Recent work in several species has identified a number of molecules that are necessary for the proper development of the olfactory map. These mole ...
The amygdala - University of Puget Sound
... ‘silent’ area of the brain. It contains a strong inhibitory network that keeps spontaneous cellular activity low and that prevents cells from firing action potentials to irrelevant stimuli. Novel stimuli elicit responses, but these rapidly habituate if the stimulus is repeated. As I shall discuss la ...
... ‘silent’ area of the brain. It contains a strong inhibitory network that keeps spontaneous cellular activity low and that prevents cells from firing action potentials to irrelevant stimuli. Novel stimuli elicit responses, but these rapidly habituate if the stimulus is repeated. As I shall discuss la ...
... of highly coordinated stages and is thought to involve at least two different modes of cell movement. The first cohort of neurons that migrate out of the cortical VZ constitutes the preplate (reviewed in Allendoerfer & Shatz 1994), originally described in Golgi-stained preparations as the primordial ...
... of highly coordinated stages and is thought to involve at least two different modes of cell movement. The first cohort of neurons that migrate out of the cortical VZ constitutes the preplate (reviewed in Allendoerfer & Shatz 1994), originally described in Golgi-stained preparations as the primordial ...
Gustatory Processing in Drosophila Higher Brain Centers By
... The way an animal responds to a stimulus is determined by a complex interplay between innate drives and learned reactions. In order to understand how an animal acquires or modifies knowledge or skills (learning) and stores and retrieves that information for later use (memory), we must first understa ...
... The way an animal responds to a stimulus is determined by a complex interplay between innate drives and learned reactions. In order to understand how an animal acquires or modifies knowledge or skills (learning) and stores and retrieves that information for later use (memory), we must first understa ...
A behavioral switch: cGMP and PKC signaling in olfactory neurons
... Despite strong innate preferences, chemosensory behaviors of C. elegans can be altered by adaptation, sensitization, and associative learning. A striking change in behavior is caused by starving animals in the presence of NaCl, which is normally an attractive taste. Starvation/salt pairing for as li ...
... Despite strong innate preferences, chemosensory behaviors of C. elegans can be altered by adaptation, sensitization, and associative learning. A striking change in behavior is caused by starving animals in the presence of NaCl, which is normally an attractive taste. Starvation/salt pairing for as li ...
Multiple Modes of Action Potential Initiation and Propagation in
... primary dendrite plays an important role in transmitting distal olfactory nerve input from olfactory glomerulus to the soma-axon initial segment. To understand how dendritic active properties are involved in this transmission, we have combined dual soma and dendritic patch recordings with computatio ...
... primary dendrite plays an important role in transmitting distal olfactory nerve input from olfactory glomerulus to the soma-axon initial segment. To understand how dendritic active properties are involved in this transmission, we have combined dual soma and dendritic patch recordings with computatio ...
Neural correlates of odor learning in the honeybee antennal lobe
... Fig. 2. Frequency analysis of the LFP and relationship of spikes to LFP. (a) Top: raw power spectra for the four consecutive 500-ms time windows: spontaneous baseline activity (gray), phasic ON-response (red), sustained response (magenta) and OFF-response (blue). Each box shows the trial-averaged po ...
... Fig. 2. Frequency analysis of the LFP and relationship of spikes to LFP. (a) Top: raw power spectra for the four consecutive 500-ms time windows: spontaneous baseline activity (gray), phasic ON-response (red), sustained response (magenta) and OFF-response (blue). Each box shows the trial-averaged po ...
Neuron 2013 Bartolini
... zone (SVZ), the main postnatal source of olfactory bulb interneurons, also seems to give rise to some interneurons that populate forebrain structures other than the olfactory bulb, including the neocortex, caudoputamen nucleus, and nucleus accumbens (Inta et al., 2008). Intriguingly, some of the SVZ ...
... zone (SVZ), the main postnatal source of olfactory bulb interneurons, also seems to give rise to some interneurons that populate forebrain structures other than the olfactory bulb, including the neocortex, caudoputamen nucleus, and nucleus accumbens (Inta et al., 2008). Intriguingly, some of the SVZ ...
Noradrenergic Suppression of Synaptic Transmission May Influence Cortical Signal-to-Noise Ratio
... have found effects due to the use of lower stimulation intensities compared with previous work (Mueller et al. 1981) and the use of higher doses relative to later work (Madison and Nicoll 1988). Other effects that could contribute to changes in signal-to-noise ratio are the suppression of excitatory ...
... have found effects due to the use of lower stimulation intensities compared with previous work (Mueller et al. 1981) and the use of higher doses relative to later work (Madison and Nicoll 1988). Other effects that could contribute to changes in signal-to-noise ratio are the suppression of excitatory ...
Olfactory Learning in Drosophila: Learning from Models
... type. ORNs project to the antennal lobe (AL), the first brain structure of olfactory processing. All ORNs expressing the same receptor type converge onto the same neuronal structure, called glomerulus (depicted as gray dashed circle). The convergence ratio is high, between 10 to 100 ORNs project to ...
... type. ORNs project to the antennal lobe (AL), the first brain structure of olfactory processing. All ORNs expressing the same receptor type converge onto the same neuronal structure, called glomerulus (depicted as gray dashed circle). The convergence ratio is high, between 10 to 100 ORNs project to ...
Full-Text PDF
... mechanosensory organs, which all provide feedback on wingbeats during flight. For example, during locust flight, the inputs from stretch receptors on the base of the wings induce excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) on the elevator muscle and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) on the d ...
... mechanosensory organs, which all provide feedback on wingbeats during flight. For example, during locust flight, the inputs from stretch receptors on the base of the wings induce excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) on the elevator muscle and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) on the d ...
elsevier second proof - Michigan State University
... chemical stimuli emanating from a distant source. A chemical cue that, when released by an individual, elicits specific behavioral or physiological responses from conspecifics. The most anterior cranial nerve in vertebrates. The terminal nerve releases compounds into the nasal epithelia, modulating ...
... chemical stimuli emanating from a distant source. A chemical cue that, when released by an individual, elicits specific behavioral or physiological responses from conspecifics. The most anterior cranial nerve in vertebrates. The terminal nerve releases compounds into the nasal epithelia, modulating ...
Review Article Type 3 adenylyl cyclase: a key enzyme mediating the
... nylyl cyclase expressed in olfactory cilia, meaning that hundreds of different odor receptors rely on AC3 to transmit olfactory signals. Therefore, AC3 and cAMP signaling are obligate components mediating the olfactory signal transduction in olfactory cilia. Consequently, knocking out the gene for A ...
... nylyl cyclase expressed in olfactory cilia, meaning that hundreds of different odor receptors rely on AC3 to transmit olfactory signals. Therefore, AC3 and cAMP signaling are obligate components mediating the olfactory signal transduction in olfactory cilia. Consequently, knocking out the gene for A ...
Electrical Stimulation of the Horizontal Limb of the Diagonal Band
... Modulatory effects of acetylcholine have been shown to play a role in olfactory behavior. In particular, the muscarinic antagonist scopolamine has been shown to impair short-term memory for odors (Ravel et al. 1994), habituation to familiar odors (Hunter and Murray 1989), and odor-based social recog ...
... Modulatory effects of acetylcholine have been shown to play a role in olfactory behavior. In particular, the muscarinic antagonist scopolamine has been shown to impair short-term memory for odors (Ravel et al. 1994), habituation to familiar odors (Hunter and Murray 1989), and odor-based social recog ...
Mechanisms of Maximum Information Preservation in the Drosophila
... neurons (ORNs) and second-order projection neurons (PNs). As a result, PNs can use their dynamic range more uniformly than ORNs in response to a diverse set of odors. Although this firing rate transformation is thought to assist the decoder in discriminating between odors, there are no comprehensive ...
... neurons (ORNs) and second-order projection neurons (PNs). As a result, PNs can use their dynamic range more uniformly than ORNs in response to a diverse set of odors. Although this firing rate transformation is thought to assist the decoder in discriminating between odors, there are no comprehensive ...
Function of Peripheral Olfactory Organs
... Responses to both contact with and loss of sex pheromone filaments by male moths can be as fast as 0.15s [Grapholita rnolesta (Busck), Baker and Haynes 19871,but usually are between 0.3-0.6s [Heliothis virescens (F.), Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), and Antheraea polyphemus (Cramer), respectively; Vickers ...
... Responses to both contact with and loss of sex pheromone filaments by male moths can be as fast as 0.15s [Grapholita rnolesta (Busck), Baker and Haynes 19871,but usually are between 0.3-0.6s [Heliothis virescens (F.), Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), and Antheraea polyphemus (Cramer), respectively; Vickers ...
... (OR genes) in flies has confirmed what functional anatomy had indicated: the axons of odour receptor neurons that express the same OR gene converge on a common glomerulus in the antennal lobe14. The glomeruli represent distinct chemical specificities, or, from the animal’s perspective, primary odour ...
... (OR genes) in flies has confirmed what functional anatomy had indicated: the axons of odour receptor neurons that express the same OR gene converge on a common glomerulus in the antennal lobe14. The glomeruli represent distinct chemical specificities, or, from the animal’s perspective, primary odour ...
Activity of Defined Mushroom Body Output Neurons
... Learning permits animals to convert innate reflexive stimulusdriven behavioral responses into meaningful stimulus-guided actions. Understanding how such sensory-motor transformations are implemented and altered in the nervous system is a subject of great interest. In Drosophila, innate behavioral re ...
... Learning permits animals to convert innate reflexive stimulusdriven behavioral responses into meaningful stimulus-guided actions. Understanding how such sensory-motor transformations are implemented and altered in the nervous system is a subject of great interest. In Drosophila, innate behavioral re ...
Article - Leslie Vosshall - The Rockefeller University
... with and is modulated by foraging experience outside the confines of the hive (Winnington et al., 1996). Previous studies in Drosophila showed that exposing flies to a single odor for several days causes stimulus-dependent decreases in glomerulus volume (Devaud et al., 2001, 2003). These earlier exp ...
... with and is modulated by foraging experience outside the confines of the hive (Winnington et al., 1996). Previous studies in Drosophila showed that exposing flies to a single odor for several days causes stimulus-dependent decreases in glomerulus volume (Devaud et al., 2001, 2003). These earlier exp ...
Mushroom body efferent neurons responsible for aversive olfactory
... Different odors induce innate approach or avoidance behaviors in Drosophila. Innate odor responses can be modulated by experience, such as associative learning. After simultaneous exposure to an electric shock and an odorant, flies form aversive memory and show robust conditioned odor avoidance that ...
... Different odors induce innate approach or avoidance behaviors in Drosophila. Innate odor responses can be modulated by experience, such as associative learning. After simultaneous exposure to an electric shock and an odorant, flies form aversive memory and show robust conditioned odor avoidance that ...
Functional Neuronal Processing of Body Odors
... conveyed in body odor to make accurate kin--nonkin judgments (Weisfeld et al. 2003) and to detect minute differences in genetic composition of unknown individuals (Jacob et al. 2002). It has even been suggested that signals communicating emotions are held within body odors (Chen and Haviland-Jones 1 ...
... conveyed in body odor to make accurate kin--nonkin judgments (Weisfeld et al. 2003) and to detect minute differences in genetic composition of unknown individuals (Jacob et al. 2002). It has even been suggested that signals communicating emotions are held within body odors (Chen and Haviland-Jones 1 ...
Chemical cues and pheromones in the sea lamprey (Petromyzon
... accessory olfactory systems (Fig. 2). Olfactory sensory neuron axons projecting from the main olfactory epithelium and the accessory olfactory organ merge into the olfactory nerve. Axons from the accessory olfactory organ project to the medial region of the olfactory bulb, while axons from olfactory ...
... accessory olfactory systems (Fig. 2). Olfactory sensory neuron axons projecting from the main olfactory epithelium and the accessory olfactory organ merge into the olfactory nerve. Axons from the accessory olfactory organ project to the medial region of the olfactory bulb, while axons from olfactory ...
Hippocampal region - NeuronDevelopment.org
... cortex. It is characterized by a superficial layer of moderately packed medium sized cells. The presubiculum (PrS) lies next to the parasubiculum. It is characterized by a superficial lamina of densely packed small cells. The superficial layers of both the parasubiculum and presubiculum overlie a d ...
... cortex. It is characterized by a superficial layer of moderately packed medium sized cells. The presubiculum (PrS) lies next to the parasubiculum. It is characterized by a superficial lamina of densely packed small cells. The superficial layers of both the parasubiculum and presubiculum overlie a d ...
Olfactory bulb

The olfactory bulb (bulbus olfactorius) is a neural structure of the vertebrate forebrain involved in olfaction, or the sense of smell.