... fingerprints into five classes ( arch , left loop , right loop , whorl , arch and scenes ) . The detector line was a cooperative dynamic system that gives oriented lines and maintain multiple directions at points where different oriented lines meet . The feature extraction based on characterizing th ...
... fingerprints into five classes ( arch , left loop , right loop , whorl , arch and scenes ) . The detector line was a cooperative dynamic system that gives oriented lines and maintain multiple directions at points where different oriented lines meet . The feature extraction based on characterizing th ...
Towards common-sense reasoning via conditional
... One major area of Turing’s contributions, while often overlooked, is statistics. In fact, Turing, along with I. J. Good, made key advances in statistics in the course of breaking the Enigma during World War II. Turing and Good developed new techniques for incorporating evidence and new approximation ...
... One major area of Turing’s contributions, while often overlooked, is statistics. In fact, Turing, along with I. J. Good, made key advances in statistics in the course of breaking the Enigma during World War II. Turing and Good developed new techniques for incorporating evidence and new approximation ...
A Topic-driven Summarization using K-mean
... Enormous online information is available due to the World Wide Web. This needed efficient and accurate summarization systems to extract significant information. Text summarization system automatically generates a summary of a given document and helps people to make effective decisions in less time. ...
... Enormous online information is available due to the World Wide Web. This needed efficient and accurate summarization systems to extract significant information. Text summarization system automatically generates a summary of a given document and helps people to make effective decisions in less time. ...
... measured with the man playing (A). Much later in the 1950 paper, in section 5, Turing describes a second game more like the concept of a “Turing Test” as most engineering schools teach it. The setup is similar to the OIG, but now gender plays no role. The player (B) is called “a man” and the player ...
... measured with the man playing (A). Much later in the 1950 paper, in section 5, Turing describes a second game more like the concept of a “Turing Test” as most engineering schools teach it. The setup is similar to the OIG, but now gender plays no role. The player (B) is called “a man” and the player ...
Following non-stationary distributions by controlling the
... The minimization of E is performed by successive stages, until some stopping condition is met. Some methods proceed minimization from a given finite set of examples, chosen from PX , and minimizes the distortion measured on this set [15,11]. Some other methods works on-line, since examples are prov ...
... The minimization of E is performed by successive stages, until some stopping condition is met. Some methods proceed minimization from a given finite set of examples, chosen from PX , and minimizes the distortion measured on this set [15,11]. Some other methods works on-line, since examples are prov ...
Dynamic Programming and Graph Algorithms in Computer Vision
... Many of the energy functions we will consider will be of this form. In general the terms Di are used to ensure that the label xi is consistent with the image data, while the Vi,j terms ensure that the labels xi and xj are compatible. Energy functions of the form given in equation (2) have a long hi ...
... Many of the energy functions we will consider will be of this form. In general the terms Di are used to ensure that the label xi is consistent with the image data, while the Vi,j terms ensure that the labels xi and xj are compatible. Energy functions of the form given in equation (2) have a long hi ...
The Specification of Agent Behavior by Ordinary People: A Case Study
... much more concise than with a procedural approach (see Table 1). However, specifying agent behavior via templates presents a number of challenges: • Generality: How can a template concisely represent a broad range of potential uses? • Safety: Templates are written with a certain set of assumptions — ...
... much more concise than with a procedural approach (see Table 1). However, specifying agent behavior via templates presents a number of challenges: • Generality: How can a template concisely represent a broad range of potential uses? • Safety: Templates are written with a certain set of assumptions — ...
... “The "computable" numbers may be described briefly as the real numbers whose expressions as a decimal are calculable by finite means... a number is computable if its decimal can be written down by a machine. “ http://www.turing.org.uk/turing/scrapbook/machine.html ...
... “The "computable" numbers may be described briefly as the real numbers whose expressions as a decimal are calculable by finite means... a number is computable if its decimal can be written down by a machine. “ http://www.turing.org.uk/turing/scrapbook/machine.html ...
... perception. It is this combination that should generate the object of perception: “The transcendental unity of apperception is that unity through which all the manifold given in intuition is united in a concept of the object” (B 139). The form, the transcendental unity of apperception (TUA) realises ...
... perception. It is this combination that should generate the object of perception: “The transcendental unity of apperception is that unity through which all the manifold given in intuition is united in a concept of the object” (B 139). The form, the transcendental unity of apperception (TUA) realises ...
Knowledge Acquisition Via Incremental Conceptual Clustering
... Figure 1, A model of learning and performance. ceptual descriptions. Thus, conceptual clustering is a type of learning by observation (as opposed to learning from examples) and is an important way of summarizing data in an understandable manner. However, because this paradigm has been formalized onl ...
... Figure 1, A model of learning and performance. ceptual descriptions. Thus, conceptual clustering is a type of learning by observation (as opposed to learning from examples) and is an important way of summarizing data in an understandable manner. However, because this paradigm has been formalized onl ...
Human Facial Expression Recognition using Gabor
... images were submitted to a PCA. PCA converted them into eigenfaces then the output of PCA was submitted to a series of LDA. 4 sets of PCA data showed good categorization rate. Performance was about 86%. Ira Cohen et al. (2003) used tracking point and Hidden Markov Model (HHM) to develop a system tha ...
... images were submitted to a PCA. PCA converted them into eigenfaces then the output of PCA was submitted to a series of LDA. 4 sets of PCA data showed good categorization rate. Performance was about 86%. Ira Cohen et al. (2003) used tracking point and Hidden Markov Model (HHM) to develop a system tha ...
FraMoTEC: A Framework for Modular Task-Environment
... Piaget-MacGyver Room problem [Bringsjord and Licato, 2012], Lovelace Test 2.0 [Riedl, 2014] and Toy Box problem [Johnston, 2010] all come with the caveat of being defined very vaguely — these evaluation methods may be likely to come up with a reasonable evaluation for intelligence, but it is very di ...
... Piaget-MacGyver Room problem [Bringsjord and Licato, 2012], Lovelace Test 2.0 [Riedl, 2014] and Toy Box problem [Johnston, 2010] all come with the caveat of being defined very vaguely — these evaluation methods may be likely to come up with a reasonable evaluation for intelligence, but it is very di ...
The role of artificial intelligence in the integration of remotely sensed
... In this paper we discuss some possible roles for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the design of future geographic information systems. The remote sensing and geographic information communities have had significant interactions in the use and analysis of spatial data, whether sensed or derived, since ...
... In this paper we discuss some possible roles for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the design of future geographic information systems. The remote sensing and geographic information communities have had significant interactions in the use and analysis of spatial data, whether sensed or derived, since ...
Data Mining Discretization Methods and Performances (PDF
... Discretization process is known to be one of the most important data preprocessing tasks in data mining. Presently, many discretization methods are available. These include Boolean Reasoning, Equal Frequency Binning, Entropy, and others. Each method is developed for specific problems or domain area. ...
... Discretization process is known to be one of the most important data preprocessing tasks in data mining. Presently, many discretization methods are available. These include Boolean Reasoning, Equal Frequency Binning, Entropy, and others. Each method is developed for specific problems or domain area. ...
Detection and Tracking of Liquids with Fully Convolutional Networks
... of each of the three networks, and the accompanying video1 shows the tracking results from the same 5 sequences shown in figure 4. Once again we plot the precision-recall curves for each network for different thresholds for the amount of “slack” given to each positive classification (i.e., the numb ...
... of each of the three networks, and the accompanying video1 shows the tracking results from the same 5 sequences shown in figure 4. Once again we plot the precision-recall curves for each network for different thresholds for the amount of “slack” given to each positive classification (i.e., the numb ...
Learning Low-Rank Representations with Classwise Block
... taking advantage of classwise block-diagonal structure, our approach has better classification capability and is robust to illumination changes. We present visualization of some decomposition results of testing images in Figure 1(a). The top four images shows the original images, while the middle fo ...
... taking advantage of classwise block-diagonal structure, our approach has better classification capability and is robust to illumination changes. We present visualization of some decomposition results of testing images in Figure 1(a). The top four images shows the original images, while the middle fo ...
Recognizing solid objects by alignment with an image
... image of a three-dimensional scene. The model-based recognition paradigm has emerged as a promising approach to this problem (e.g., [Ayache and Faugeras 1986; Brooks 1981; Huttenlocher and Ullman 1987; Lamdan et al. 1988, Lowe 1987; Roberts 1965; Silberberg et al. 1986; Thompson and Mundy 1987]; see ...
... image of a three-dimensional scene. The model-based recognition paradigm has emerged as a promising approach to this problem (e.g., [Ayache and Faugeras 1986; Brooks 1981; Huttenlocher and Ullman 1987; Lamdan et al. 1988, Lowe 1987; Roberts 1965; Silberberg et al. 1986; Thompson and Mundy 1987]; see ...
The Next Step: Exponential Life 1 — PB
... issue over suitable timing and what Turing actually meant (Shah and Warwick, 2010a)—that is an argument for another day, it does not alter the points made in this paper. What this paper does is to present a number of transcripts taken from special days of practical Turing tests, which were held und ...
... issue over suitable timing and what Turing actually meant (Shah and Warwick, 2010a)—that is an argument for another day, it does not alter the points made in this paper. What this paper does is to present a number of transcripts taken from special days of practical Turing tests, which were held und ...
Gödel and Computability - centria
... is in some sense true. But to assert that it is true requires an observer that can look at the system from the outside. It cannot be shown from within the axiomatic system. • An important issue is that this argument assumes arithmetic is consistent. In fact, if arithmetic were inconsistent then any ...
... is in some sense true. But to assert that it is true requires an observer that can look at the system from the outside. It cannot be shown from within the axiomatic system. • An important issue is that this argument assumes arithmetic is consistent. In fact, if arithmetic were inconsistent then any ...
CS 8520: Artificial Intelligence
... adult humans. I can't play chess at a grand master level! – Whatever test we use must produce an observable or testable result. "Isn't intelligent because it doesn't have a mind" is perhaps a topic for interesting philosophical debate, but it's not of any practical help. ...
... adult humans. I can't play chess at a grand master level! – Whatever test we use must produce an observable or testable result. "Isn't intelligent because it doesn't have a mind" is perhaps a topic for interesting philosophical debate, but it's not of any practical help. ...
Improving the scalability of rule
... Pittsburgh LCS. Several of BioHEL features have been inherited from GAssist. The system applies an almost standard generational GA, which evolves individuals that are classification rules. The learning process creates a rule set by iteratively learning one rule at a time using a GA. After each rule ...
... Pittsburgh LCS. Several of BioHEL features have been inherited from GAssist. The system applies an almost standard generational GA, which evolves individuals that are classification rules. The learning process creates a rule set by iteratively learning one rule at a time using a GA. After each rule ...
CS 8520: Artificial Intelligence
... adult humans. I can't play chess at a grand master level! – Whatever test we use must produce an observable or testable result. "Isn't intelligent because it doesn't have a mind" is perhaps a topic for interesting philosophical debate, but it's not of any practical help. ...
... adult humans. I can't play chess at a grand master level! – Whatever test we use must produce an observable or testable result. "Isn't intelligent because it doesn't have a mind" is perhaps a topic for interesting philosophical debate, but it's not of any practical help. ...
Querying Data Graphs with Arithmetical Regular Expressions
... be adjusted to different data domains. L ARE is powerful enough to find, for example, nodes s, t such that there is a path p from s to t such that p visits a node with the maximal value in the graph and the total sum of all the elements of p is in a given interval. L ARE allows for using nested quer ...
... be adjusted to different data domains. L ARE is powerful enough to find, for example, nodes s, t such that there is a path p from s to t such that p visits a node with the maximal value in the graph and the total sum of all the elements of p is in a given interval. L ARE allows for using nested quer ...