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Cell Review Sheet
Introduction to Cells
1. Who was the scientist that named cells, and what kind of cells was he
2. What are the parts of the cell theory?
3. Compare and contrast prokaryote and eukaryote cells.
Cell Membrane
4. What is the function of the cell membrane?
5. Be able to identify the parts of the cell membrane from a diagram.
6. What are the four main components of the cell membrane, and what are the
functions of each part?
7. Explain why the phospholipids are arranged in a double layer.
Movement Across the Membrane
8. What does selectively permeable mean?
9. What does passive transport mean, and what types of movements are
considered passive transport?
10. What is diffusion?
11. What is the difference between simple and facilitated diffusion?
12. What is osmosis?
13. Draw three cells: one surrounded by hypotonic solution, one surrounded by
hypertonic solution, and one surrounded by isotonic solution. Label the
direction of solute movement and water movement in each.
14. What is active transport, and what types of movements are considered
15. What does a protein pump do?
16. Describe the process of endocytosis.
17. What is the difference between endocytosis and exocytosis?
Cell Organelles
18. Be able to identify animal and plant organelles from a diagram.
19. Be able to give the function of any organelle.
20. Be able to determine what an organelle is in an animal cell only, a plant cell
only, or both.
21. Be able to identify whether a cell is animal or plant.
22. What is the name of the process that occurs in chloroplasts?
23. Which organelle is involved in breaking down drugs and toxins in the body?
(Read page 76 in the book to answer this question.)