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Ecology Unit 2
Th 9/22, Fri 9/23 block
Lesson 3.2B
Lesson objective: students learn about feeding relationships in ecosystems and energy pyramids
State standard: 6e, 6f
Producer- autotroph (self-feeder) organism that can make its own food
Consumer- heterotrophy (other feeder) organism that needs food to survive
Herbivore- animals that eat only plants
Carnivore- animals that eat only other animals
Omnivore- animals that eat both plants and animals
Decomposers- (bacteria, fungi) break down dead organisms, recycling their nutrients
Food web- the network of feeding relationships in an ecosystem Trophic level- a step in a food chain or
web. Producers are always at the lowest level
Ecological pyramid- a diagram that show how energy, biomass, and numbers of individuals decreases
from the bottom to the top (10% per level)
CFU: examples and non-examples of vocabulary terms, activating prior knowledge
Lesson: lecture 3.2 Energy Flow in ecosystems
Pair/share: what would happen if………………carnivores die, producers die, decomposers die?
White board: How are the trophic levels interdependent?
Guided practice: chart a typical food web found in a Sonoma back yard
Lab : Backyard food web (Glencoe)
Unit Project introduction: Biomes art collage