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BOTANY - Session 1
Characteristics of Plants
a. Photosynthetic = Autotrophic
i. Auto= ______________
Trophic = _______________
ii. ____________________________________________
iii. Heterotrophic animals must eat other organisms to live
b. _____________________________
i. Dictates shape and size of cell
ii. Important to overall functioning of cell
c. ____________________________
i. Plants cannot move around
ii. They may be able to move parts (leaves, stems) but they cannot move to a
new location
d. Grow indefinitely
i. Plants will continue to grow until ___________________
ii. Size is limited because of life cycle - when the cycle ends, the plant stops
iii. Ex. 5000 year old Bristle Cone Pine Tree
iv. Ex. 100m tall California Redwood
Plants and Animals
a. What plants give animals
i. ______________________________________________
b. What animals give plants
i. ______________________________________________