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U.S. History
Teacher Syllabus
Highlighted objectives are tested on the CRT.
First Semester
1st Quarter
Unit 1:
Colonization: (US3)
1 week
Performance Objective (US3-2): Describe the reasons for colonization of America (e.g.,
religious freedom, desire for land, economic opportunity, and a new live).
Performance Objective (US3-3): Compare the characteristics of the New England, Middle,
and Southern colonies:
a. Colonial government’s geographic influences, resources and economic systems.
b. Religious beliefs and social patterns
Performance Objective (US3-4): Describe the impact of key individuals who were important
to the colonization of America (e.g. John Smith, William Penn, Roger Williams, Anne
Hutchinson, John Winthrop)
Unit 2:
American Revolution (US4)
2 weeks
Performance Objective (US4-1): Assess the economic, political and social reasons for the
American Revolution:
a. British attempts to tax and regulate colonial trade as a result of the French and Indian War.
b. Colonists’ reaction to British policy ideas expressed in the Declaration of Independence
c. Declaration of Independence
Performance Objective (US4-3): Describe the significance of major events in the
Revolutionary War:
a. Lexington and Concord
d. Yorktown
Unit 3: New Nation (US4)
2 weeks
Performance Objective (US4-4): Analyze how the new national government was created:
a. Albany Plan of Union influenced by the Iroquois Confederation
b. Articles of Confederation
c. Constitutional Convention
d. Struggles over ratification of the Constitution
e. Creation of the Bill of Rights
f. Writing and ratification of the Declaration of Independence
Performance Objective (US4-5): Examine the significance of the following in the formation
of a new nation:
a. Presidency of George Washington
b. Economic policies of Alexander Hamilton
c. Creation of political parties under Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton
d. Establishment of the Supreme Court as a c-equal third branch of government under John Marshall
(e.g. Marbury v. Madison)
Performance Objective (US5-2): Analyze how the following events affected the political
transformation of the developing nation:
a. Jefferson’s Presidency
b. War of 1812
c. Jackson’s Presidency
GUHSD World History
2nd Quarter
Unit 4:
Westward Expansion (US5)
2 weeks
Performance Objective (US5-1): Trace the growth of the American nation during the
period of western expansion:
b. Louisiana Territory
d. Texas
f. Mexican Cession
g. Gadsden Purchase
Performance Objective (US5-5): Describe the impact of the following aspects of the
Industrial Revolution on the United States:
a. Transportation improvements (e.g., railroads, canals, steamboats)
b. Factory system manufacturing
c. Urbanization
d. Inventions (e.g. telegraph cotton gin, interchangeable parts)
Unit 5:
Sectionalism (US6
2 weeks
Performance Objective (US6-1): Explain the economic, social, and political causes of the
Civil War:
a. Economic and social differences between the North, South, and West
b. Balance of power in the Senate(e.g., Missouri and 1850 Compromises)
c. Extension of slavery into the territories (e.g., Dred Scott Decision, the Kansas-Nebraska Act)
d. Role of abolitionists (e.g. Frederick Douglass and John Brown)
e. Debate over popular sovereignty/States Rights
f. Presidential election of 1860
Unit 6:
The Civil War (US6)
Performance Objective (US6-2): Analyze aspects of the Civil War:
c Turning points
d. Military and civilian leaders
e. Effects of the Emancipation Proclamation
Unit 7:
Post Civil War/Reconstruction (US6)
2 weeks
Performance Objective (US6-3): Analyze immediate and long-term effects of
Reconstruction in post Civil War America:
a. Various plans for reconstruction of the South
b. Lincoln’s assassination
c. Johnson’s impeachment
d. Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments
e. Resistance to end of Reconstruction (e.g. Jim Crow laws, KKK, and Compromise of 1877)
GUHSD World History
2 weeks
Second Semester
3rd Quarter
Unit 1:
The Gilded Age (US7)
2 weeks
Performance Objective (US7-1 & US7-2)
a. Rise of big business
b. Emergence of early labor unions
c. Problems of the Industrial Era
d. Conflicts with Native Americans (e.g. Wounded Knee, Little Bighorn, Dawes Act)
Unit 2:
The Gilded Age (US7)
Performance Objective (US7-1 & US7-2)
a. Immigration
b. Growth of cities
c. Politics of the Gilded Age
1 week
Unit 3: The Progressive Era (US7)
1 week
Performance Objective (US7-3)
a. Problems of the Industrial Era
b. Efforts of muckrakers
c. Government action at the national level (e.g. 16th – 19th Amendments)
d. Government action at the state level
e. Government action at the local level
f. Actions of Teddy Roosevelt (e.g. conservationism, national parks, trust busting)
Unit 4:
Imperialism and World War I (US7)
2 weeks
a. Motivations for American imperialism
b. Acquisitions from American imperialism (e.g. Hawaii, Puerto Rico)
c. Foreign Policy under Teddy Roosevelt (e.g. Roosevelt Corollary, Panama Canal)
d. Reasons for American involvement in World War I
e. America at home during World War I
f. Post-War diplomacy (Woodrow Wilson, Versailles, League of Nations)
Unit 5: The Roaring Twenties (US7)
2 weeks
a. Emergence of a national culture (radio, national heroes)
b. Collision of traditional values with the forces of modernity (e.g. Prohibition, 19th Amendment)
c. Red Scare/Nativism
d. Domestic and foreign policy of the 1920’s (laissez-faire, isolationism)
e. Economy of the 1920’s
Unit6: Great Depression (US8)
2 week
Performance Objective (US8-1): Describe causes and consequences of the Great Depression
a. Economic causes of the Depression (e.g. economic policies of 1920s, investment patterns and
stock market crash)
b. Dust Bowl (e.g. fragmentation of families- Hoovervilles, unemployment, business failure,
c. Effects on society (e.g. fragmentation of families – Hoovervilles, unemployment, business failure,
d. Changes in expectations of government (e.g. New Deal programs)
GUHSD World History
Unit 7: World War II (US8)
2 weeks
Performance Objective (US8-2): Describe the impact of American involvement in World
War II:
a. Movement away from isolationism
b. Economic recovery from the Great Depression
c. Home front transformations (i.e. Japanese, German, and Italian interment camps, POW camps,
women and the workforce)
d. War mobilization (i.e. Native American Code-Talkers, minority participation in military units,
media portrayal)
e. Turning points (e.g. Pearl harbor, D-Day, Hiroshima/Nagasaki)
4th Quarter
Unit 8: Postwar United States – Foreign (US9)
2 week
Performance Objective (US9-1): Analyze aspects of America’s post World War II foreign
a. International activism 9e.g. Marshall Plan, United Nations, NATO)
b. Cold War (e.g. domino theory, containment, Korea, Vietnam)
c. Arms Race (e.g. Cuban Missile Crisis, SALT)
d. United States as a superpower (e.g. political intervention and humanitarian efforts)
Postwar United States – Domestic (US9)
3 weeks
Performance Objective (US9-2): Describe aspects of American post-World War II domestic
a. McCarthyism
b. Civil Rights (e.g. Birmingham, 1964 Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, Constitutional
c. Supreme Court Decisions (e.g. the Warren and Burger Courts)
d. Social reforms Great Society and War on Poverty
e. Space Race and technological developments
Performance Objective (US9-3): Describe aspects of post World War II American society:
a. Postwar prosperity (e.g. growth of suburbs, baby boom, GI Gill
b. Popular culture (e.g. conformity v. counter-culture, mass-media)
c. Protest movements (e.g. anti-war, women’s rights, civil rights farm workers, Cesar Chavez)
d. Assassinations (e.g. John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr. Robert F. Kennedy, Malcolm X.)
e. Immigration pattern change (e.g. shift to Latin American and Asia)
Unit10: Contemporary United States
1-2 weeks
Performance Objective (US10-3): Describe how key political, social, environmental and
economic events of the late 20th century and early 21st century affected and continue to affect,
the United States (e.g. Watergate, OPE/oil crisis, Central American wars/Iran-Contra, End of
Cold War, first Gulf War, September 11)
GUHSD World History