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Name: ________________________
Homeroom: _________________
Unit A, Chapter 1
Cells and Kingdoms
Study Guide
LESSON I - Cells
Pp. 22 – 23 What are Cells?
1. What is an organism? ______any living thing that can carry out life on its own__________
2. What is a cell? _________the smallest unit of living matter_________________________
3. A one-celled organism is called __unicellular____. A many-celled organism is
called _____multicellular_________________.
Pp. 24 – 25 What is inside an animal cell?
4. What are the basic structures inside of cells that help them perform life processes?
5. What is the function of the cell membrane? ____It surrounds the outside of the cell,
controls what goes in and out of the cell, and gives the cell its shape._________________
6. What is the function of cytoplasm? ___It is a gel-like liquid that fills the cell and supports
all its structures.__________________________________________________________
7. What is the function of the nucleus? ___It is the “control center” of the cell and sends
signals to all the other parts of the cell.________________________________________
8. What is the function mitochondria? ___They supply energy for the cell by breaking down
food, which releases energy for the cell to use._______________________________________
9. What is the function of vacuoles? ______It stores food, water and wastes. The nucleus tells
the vacuoles when to release the wastes.______
Pp. 26 – 27 What is inside a plant cell?
10. How is a plant cell like an animal cell? ______It has many of the same structures and
11. How is a plant cell different from an animal cell? ___It has a boxlike shape and is larger
than an animal cell. It also has some organelles that animal cells do not have.___
12. What is the function of the cell wall? __It is a covering on the outside of the cell that gives
the plant cell strength and extra support._______________________________________
13. What is the function of the chloroplasts? _____A green structure where the energy from
sunlight is used to produce food for the plant___________________________________
14. What is chlorophyll? _____A green chemical in plant cells that allows plants to use the
Sun’s energy to make food. Chlorophyll is found in the chloroplasts.________________
15. What is different about the function of the vacuole in a plant cell? ____________________
___It is large and provides extra support. It helps keep the plant from drying out_______
by releasing extra water it stores._____________________________________________
P. 28
How are cells organized?
16. What is tissue? ____A group of similar cells that work together at the same job_________
17. What is an organ? ____A group of tissues working together to do a certain job_______
18. What is an organ system? ___A group of organs that work together to do a certain job_