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The following is the list of structures to know for the third practical which covers
the immune system, urinary system and the reproductive system.
You must know all of the following terms in pictures. You are also responsible
for all of the physiology about these terms in the PowerPoint presentations.
This list is subject to change (you will be notified of these changes in lecture).
P: Identify via pictures
P, M: Identify via pictures and models
Version updated 4/17/12 & 5/7/12
Lymph System/Immune
Tonsils (P, M)
Thymus (P, M)
Spleen (P, M)
Appendix (P, M)
Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue in Intestinal Tract (MALT) (P)
Lymph Nodes
Cervical (P)
Axillary (P)
Lumbar (P)
Pelvic (P)
Inguinal (P)
Right Lymphatic Duct (P) ______________________________
Thoracic Duct (P)
Cisterna Chyli (P)
Lymphatics of Upper Limb (P) __________________________
Lymphatics of Mammary Gland (P) ______________________
Lymphatics of Lower Limb (P) __________________________
Lymphatic Vessels and Valves
(Must be able to identify and know the function of the following)
Artery (removed from list)
Vein (removed from list)
Lymphatic Vessel (Lymph Vessel) (removed from list) _______
Lymphatic Valve (removed from list) ____________________
T Cells (not pictured; just know their function) _____________
Cytotoxic T Cells (TC)
Helper T Cells (TH)
Suppressor T Cells
Regulatory T Cells
Memory T Cells
MHC Protein (Class I)
MHC Protein (Class II)
B Cells (not pictured; just know their function) _____________
Natural Killer Cells (P)
Lymphoid Stem Cells (not pictured; just know their function) _
Hemocytoblasts (removed from list) ____________________
Thymic hormones (not pictured; just know their function) ___
Phagocytes (P—the examples below are pictured) _________
Free and Fixed Macrophages (P) ___________________
Neutrophils (P)
Eosinophils (P)
Monocytes (P)
Mast Cells (P)
Types of Antibodies (Must be able to identify and know function according to
the table in the PowerPoint)
IgG (table)
IgA (table)
IgE (table)
IgD( table)
IgM (table)
Hormones of the Immune System (Know the function of each)
Tumor Necrosis Factors (TNFs) _________________________
Tonsils (Look at Half-Head Model)
Pharyngeal Tonsils (Adenoids) (P, M) ____________________
Palatine (P, M)
Lingual (P, M)
Thymus (P, M)
Right Lobe (P, M)
Left Lobe (P, M)
Septa (Fibrous Partitions, line) (P, M) ____________________
Lobules (little circles) (P, M) ____________________________
Spleen (22-10) (P, M)
Gastrosplenic Ligament (removed from list) __________________
Hilum (P)
Splenic Artery (P)
Splenic Vein (P)
Gastric Area (P)
Renal Area (P)
Cortex (P)
Medulla (P)
Nonspecific Defenses: Know function and be able to explain basic process
Physical Barriers (list)
Phagocytes (P)
Immunological Surveillance ____________________________
Inflammatory Response (IR) ____________________________
Specific Defenses: Understand definition and be able to list examples
Immune Diseases (Know the cause, symptoms, and treatment in general detail)
Autoimmune Disorders ______________________________
Type 1 Diabetes
Rheumatoid Arthritis_____________________________
Multiple Sclerosis ______________________________
Immunodeficiency Diseases ____________________________
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease _________
Renal/ Urinary
Components of the Urinary System
Kidney (P, M)
Ureter (P, M)
Urinary Bladder (P, M)
Urethra (P, M)
Gross Anatomy of the Urinary System
Renal Artery (P, M)
Renal Vein (P, M)
Suprarenal Gland (Adrenal Gland) (P, M) __________________
Inferior Vena Cava (P, M) ______________________________
Abdominal Aorta (P)
Parts of the Kidney
Renal Cortex (P, M)
Renal Medulla (P, M)
Renal Pyramid (P, M)
Renal Pelvis (P, M)
Renal Sinus (P, M)
Hilum (P, M)
Renal Papilla (P, M)
Renal Columns (P, M)
Fibrous Capsule (P, M)
Minor Calyces (P, M)
Major Calyces (P, M)
(Note on terminology--singular: calyx; plural: calyces)
Blood Supply to the Kidneys (know the flowchart of renal circulation)
Cortical Radiate Artery (P) _____________________________
Cortical Radiate Vein (P) ______________________________
Arcuate Artery (P)
Arcuate Vein (P)
Afferent Arteriole (P)
Cortical Nephron (P)
Juxtamedullary Nephron (P) ____________________________
Interlobar Artery (P)
Interlobar Vein (P)
Parts of the Nephron
Renal Corpuscle (P)
Bowman’s Capsule (Glomerular Capsule) (P) _________
Glomerulus (P)
Capsular Space (P) ______________________________
Afferent Arteriole (P) ___________________________
Efferent Arteriole (P) ____________________________
Proximal Convoluted Tubule (P)
Descending Limb (Loop of Henle) (P) ______________________________
Thin Descending Limb (Loop of Henle) (P) ___________________________
Nephron Loop (Loop of Henle) (P)
Thick Ascending Limb (Loop of Henle) (P) ___________________________
Thin Ascending Limb (Loop of Henle) (P) ____________________________
Distal Convoluted Tubule (P)
Collecting Duct (P)
Papillary Duct (P)
Minor Calyx (P)
Peritubular Capillaries (P)
Vasa Recta (P)
Juxtaglomerular Complex (P)
Macula Densa (P)
Juxtaglomerular Cells (P)
Renal Structures and their functions (basic function)
Know all the ones listed in your textbook.
Organs for the Conduction and Storage of Urine
Left Ureter (P, M)
Right Ureter (P, M)
Urinary Bladder (P, M)
Pubic Symphysis (P, M)
Prostate (P, M)
External Urethral Sphincter (P, M) ____________________________
Urogenital Diaphragm (P)
Urethra (P, M)
Spongy Urethra (P, M)
External Urethral Orifice (P, M) ______________________________
Left Ureter (P, M)
Right Ureter (P, M)
Urinary Bladder (P, M)
Pubic Symphysis (P, M)
Internal Urethral Sphincter (P, M) ____________________________
Urethra (P, M)
External Urethral Sphincter (P, M) ____________________________
Median Umbilical Ligament (P)
Lateral Umbilical Ligament (P)
Detrusor muscle (P, M)
Rugae (P, M)
Ureteral Openings (P, M)
Center of Trigon (P, M)
Neck of Urinary Bladder (P, M)
Diseases of the Urinary System (Know the cause, symptoms, and common
treatments in general detail)
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
Male Repro
Testis (P, M) (the deep portion would be tagged if tested) ________
(singular: testis; plural: testes)
Epididymis (P, M)
Ductus Deferens (P)
Seminal Gland (P)
Ejaculatory Duct (P, M)
Prostate Gland (P, M)
Bulbourethral Gland (P, M)
Urethra (P, M)
Prostatic Urethra (P, M) ______________________________
Spongy Urethra (P, M)
Corpus Cavernosum (P, M)
Corpus Spongiosum (P, M)
Penis (P, M)
External Urethral Orifice (P, M) ______________________________
Inguinal Canal (P)
Testicular Artery (P)
Testicular Vein (P)
Inguinal Ligament (P)
Scrotal Septum (P)
Spermatacord (Spermatic Cord) (P) ___________________________
Genitofemoral Nerve (P)
Dartos Muscle (P)
Superficial Scrotal Fascia (P)
Cremaster Muscle (P)
Tunica Vaginalis (P)
Tunica Albuginea (P)
Scrotal Cavity (P)
Septa (P)
Lobule (P)
Raphae (P)
Rete Testis (P)
Seminiferous Tubule (P)
Ductus Deferens (P)
Epididymus (P)
Efferent Ductule (P)
Sperm (P)
Five Cells of Spermatogenesis (P) _______________________
Spermatagonia (Stem Cells) (P) ____________________
Primary Spermatocytes (P) ________________________
Secondary Spermatocytes (P) ______________________
Spermatids (P)
Spermatazoa (P)
Parts of Sperm (P)
Fibrous Sheath of Flagellum (P) ____________________
Mitochondrial Spiral (P) __________________________
Centrioles (P)
Nucleus (P)
Acrosomal Cap (P) ______________________________
Ovarian Follicle (P)
Ovary (P, M)
Uterine Tube (Fallopian Tube) (P, M) __________________________
Uterus (P, M)
Endometrium (P)
Myometrium (P)
Perimetrium (P)
Periurethral Glands (P)
Greater Vestibular Gland (P)
Fornix (P, M)
Cervix (P, M)
Vagina (P, M)
Clitoris (P, M)
Prepuce of Clitoris (P)
Glands of Clitoris (P)
Labia Minora (Labia Minus) (P, M) ____________________________
Labia Majora (Labia Majus) (P, M) ____________________________
Ovarian Artery (P)
Ovarian Vein (P)
Infundibulopelvic Ligament (P) ______________________________
Mesovarium (P)
Ovarian Ligament (P)
Fimbriae (P)
Infundibulum (P, M)
Broad Ligament (P)
Uterosacral Ligament (P)
External Os (P)
Vaginal Rugae (P)
Vaginal Wall (P)
Ovary (P, M)
Germinal Epithelium (P) ______________________________
Tunica Albuginea (P)
Cortex (P)
Medulla (P)
Ovarian Hilum (P)
Corpus Luteum (P)
Mature Follicle (P)
Egg Nest (P)
Mons Pubis (P)
Urethral Opening (P, M)
Vestibule (P)
Hymen (P)
Vaginal Entrance (P, M)
Anus (P, M)
Female Breast
Pectoral Fat Pad (P)
Suspensory Ligaments (P)
Mammary Glands (P)
Secretory Alveoli (P)
Lactiferous Duct (P)
Areola (P)
Nipple (P)
Lactiferous Sinus (P)
Fertilization, pregnancy and partuition (Know all via photo and have a
basic understanding of what stage it is at)
Zona Pellucida (P)
Corona Radiata (P)
First Polar Body (P)
Second Polar Body (P)
Blastomeres (P)
Male Pronucleus (P)
Female Pronucleus (P)
Early Morula (P)
Advanced Morula (P)
Inner Cell Mass (P)
Blastocoele (P)
Trophoblast (P)
Blastocyst (P)
Syncytial Trophoblast (P)
Cellular Trophoblast (P)
Developing Villi (P)
Amniotic Cavity (P)
Lacuna (P)
Yolk Sac (P)
Chorion (P)
Amnion (P)
Placenta (P)
Decidua Capsularis (P)
Decidua Basalis (P)
Umbilical Cord (P)
Chorionic Villi (P)
Umbilical Arteries (P)
Umbilical Vein (P)
Maternal Blood Vessels (P)
Physiology of Reproduction
Menstrual Cycle (follicular phase, luteal phase, proliferative phase,
secretory phase, menses)
Oogenesis (six steps of the ovarian cycle)
Spermatogenesis (five cells of spermatogenesis)
Cortical Reaction
Labor (three stages)
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)-Top 10
Pubic Lice
Human Papillary Virus (HPV) (which causes Genital Warts) ___
Diseases of Reproduction
(Know general cause, symptoms and treatments if any)
Breast Cancer
Cervical Cancer
Impotence/Erectile Dysfunction _____________________________
Prostate Cancer