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Botany Semester Exam Study Guide
CH 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 22, 23, & 24
1. Science differs from other disciplines, such as history and the arts, because science relied on
_______________ explanations.testing
2. In science a hypothesis is only useful if it can be _______________.tested
3. A controlled experiment allows the scientist to isolate and test a _______________
_______________. Single variable
4. When enough experimental data support a hypothesis, a hypothesis becomes a(n)
_______________. theory
5. Biology is the study of ______________________________.the living world
6. The process by which organisms keep their internal conditions relatively stable is called
_______________. homeostasis
7. What is the term for land, water, and air on Earth? Biosphere
8. What is the term for a group of organisms of one type of living in the same place? population
9. In he metric system the basic unit of length is the _______________.meter
10. On the Celsius temperature scale, how many degrees are between the freezing and boiling
points of water? 100
11. The basic unit of mass if SI is the _______________. gram
12. Know Lab Safety Rules! (Look in chapter one or the back of the book)
13. Be able to label and give the function of basic cell organelles!
14. _______________ is a thin flexible barrier around a cell.Cell Membrane
15. Which cell structure contains the cell’s genetic material and controls the cell’s
16. Prokaryotes lack _______________.a nucleus
17. Eukaryotes usually contain a _______________ which contains _______________ material. They
also have specialized _______________. Nucleus, genetic, cell organelles
18. _______________ are examples or prokaryotes. Bacteria
19. _______________ & _______________ help provide the cell with energy. Mitochondria &
20. Chloroplasts (& Cell Walls) is an organelle that you would expect to find in plant cells but not in
animal cells.
21. The diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane is called
22. What is an organ? Give several examples.Group of tissues that work together to perform a
specific function; EX: heart, liver, skin
23. Organisms, such as plants, that make their own food are called _______________.autotrophs
24. Organisms that cannot make their own food and must obtain energy from the foods they eat are
called _______________.heterotrophs
25. What are the three parts of an ATP molecule? Adenine, Ribose, Phosphate
26. Photosynthesis uses sunlight to convert water and carbon dioxide into _______________ &
high energy _______________. Oxygen & Glucose (sugars)
27. Plant’s take in the sun’s energy by absorbing _______________. sunlight
28. Most plants appear green because chlorophyll does not _______________ green light.absorb
29. Which region of the spectrum is not absorbed well by chlorophyll? green
30. _______________ is released during cellular respiration.Energy
31. Cellular respiration uses one molecule of glucose to produce ______ ATP molecules.36
32. What is the correct equation for cellular respiration? Remember that the sugar is glucose…
33. One cause of muscle soreness is _______________ _______________ fermentation.Lactic Acid
34. When during the cell cycle are chromosomes visible? Only during cell division
35. Know all about the Cell Cycle diagram.
36. Be able to label the structure of a chromosome.
37. List the phases of mitosis in proper sequential order. Be able to describe each phase.
38. A plant is a _______________ (unicellular/multicellular) _______________
39. Plants use the energy of sunlight to carry out _______________.photosynthesis
40. Bryophytes need standing water to _______________.Reproduce
41. _______________ is a structure that is similar to roots.Rhizoid
42. _______________ tissue is important to ferns because it can
_________________________.Xylem, it can transport water over long distances
43. List the four groups of gymnosperms. Gnetophytes, Conifers, Ginkoes, Cycads
44. Angiosperms produce seeds inside protective structures called _______________.ovaries
45. The # of seed leaves distinguishes two classes of _______________. Angiosperms
46. Flowering plants that complete a life cycle within one growing season are called
47. A seed plant is anchored in the ground by its _______________.roots
48. _______________ tissue is the only tissue that produces new plant cells. meristematic
49. Vascular tissue in plants consists of _______________ & _______________.xylem & phloem
50. Pollen grains are produced by _______________ reproductive structures.male
51. In angiosperms, reproduction takes place in
52. A sticky secretion on the scales of seed cones traps ____________ __________. Pollen grains
53. In an angiosperm, pollen grains are produced in the _______________. anthers
54. The tough outer layer of a seed is called the _______________.seed coat
55. A ripened ovary that contains seeds is called a(n) _______________. Fruit
56. What type of fruit eating animals would assure the widest dispersal of a plant’s seeds?
Birds, can fly long distances from where a seed originated and disperse the seed through its
fecal matter/digestive tract.
57. From a diagram of seeds, be able to tell what method is most likely for the seed’s dispersal.
58. Seeds that are dispersed by animals are typically contained in
______________________________. Fleshy nutritious fruit
59. A period during which the embryo of a seed is alive but not growing in ____________.dormancy
60. The horizontal stems of a strawberry plant are called _______________.stolons
61. The regions of tissue in a plant that produces cells that later become specialized tissues are the
_______________.apical meristem
62. Plants can respond to changing environmental conditions by the use of what
63. If the apical meristem of a mature plant is removed, the plant will most likely lose
_______________ _______________ and grow _______________ branches.Apical Dominance;
64. _______________ - the responses of plants to environmental stimuli.Tropism
65. The response of a plant to changes in the length of day or night is called _____.Photoperiodism
66. A period of decreased activity in a plant is called _______________.dormancy
67. The brilliant colors of leaves in the fall are a result of the stopping of _______________
synthesis, which makes the _______________ pigments visible.chloropyll; carotenoid
68. How does a carnivorous plant obtain nitrogen?By trapping and digesting insects;
There will be approximately 70 multiple choice questions on the semester test.