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1. Shortly after World War II, the cold war developed mainly as a result of the
1. United States refusal to send economic aid to European nations
2. Soviet domination of Eastern Europe
3. competition between the superpowers to explore outer space
4. continuation of the pre-World War II balance of power
2. The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan represented attempts by the United States
to deal with the
1. national debt
2. spread of communism
3. President’s political opposition
4. arms race
3. The Great Society programs of the 1960’s used the power of the Federal Government
to bring about
1. an all-volunteer military
2. antipoverty reforms
3. deregulation of business
4. reduced defense spending
4. Which action was a common objective of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal
and President Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society?
1. eliminating nuclear weapons
2. helping those living in poverty
3. lowering barriers to immigration
4. breaking up business monopolies
5. In 1965, Congress established Medicare to
1. provide health care to the elderly
2. assist foreign nations with their health problems
3. grant scholarships to medical students
4. establish universal health care
6. The ratification of the 26th amendment, which lowered the voting age to 18, was a
result of the
1. participation of the United States in the Vietnam War
2. fear of McCarthyism
3. reaction to the launching of Sputnik by the Soviet Union
4. reporting of the Watergate scandal
7. The easing of Cold War tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union
during the 1970s was called
1. containment
2. détente
3. neutrality
4. isolationism
8. The main significance of the Watergate affair was that it
1. led to the impeachment and conviction of President Richard Nixon
2. showed that the laws of the United States are superior to the actions of a President
3. was the first time a President had disagreed with Congress
4. proved that Presidential powers are unlimited
9. The Korean War and the Persian Gulf War were similar in that both
1. represented United Nations efforts to assist nations in repelling aggressors
2. involved unilateral military action by the United States
3. were military defeats for the United Nations
4. brought about lasting solutions to problems in each region
10. What is the main idea of this 1997 cartoon?
1. Investors believe the stock market may crash in the near future.
2. Illegal aliens are trying to come to the United States in record numbers.
3. Workers still suffer from dangerous conditions on the job.
4. Workers are being laid off to keep corporate profits high