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Decline of the Soviet Union
Chapter 28-S1
Cold War to Post War
By 1970’s the U.S. was in a new phase:
Détente- relaxed tensions and improved
relations between U.S. and S.U.
Example: We began to trade grain & consumer
goods to the S.U.
This relaxation period would soon be over
by 1979.
The Cold War Intensifies
Relations did not remain relaxed- Why?
S.U. invaded Afghanistan to restore a proSoviet regime.
Jimmy Carter cancelled U.S. participation in the 1980
Olympics & placed an embargo on American grains
to S.U.
After 1980 election; Ronald Regan calls the
S.U. and “evil empire” and begins military
buildup and a new arms race.
Also sends aid to the Afghan rebels to prevent S.U.
Jimmy Carter and Ronald Regan
End of Cold War
New Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in
1985 brings “New Thinking” and dramatic
end to Cold War.
Agreed to eliminate intermediate range missiles
Economic and internal reforms- hoped by
reducing military expenses both the U.S. and
S.U. could focus on domestic affairs.
Refused military support to Eastern European
Communist countries.
End of Cold War
Many countries in Eastern Europe were
now able to overthrow Communist
governments through mostly peaceful
revolutions in 1989.
Germany is reunified on October 3, 1990.
By 1991 the Soviet Union was dissolved.
The United States and Soviet Union saw
renewal of rivalry almost impossible.
Soviet Union prior to end of Cold War
3 Republics of the S.U.- Latvia,
Estonia, and Lithuania became
independent states in 1991
followed by the independence of
12 more countries that same year.