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Chapter 9 Test Review
Define general senses
Know what the special senses are
Define sensory adaptation
Know the percentage of sensory information that reaches the cerebral cortex
Describe pain receptors
Define nociceptors
Define referred pain
Give examples of chemoreceptors
Describe and give examples of baroreceptors
Know the location of chemoreceptors
Describe olfactory glands
Know the primary taste sensations
Know the location of the hearing receptors
Know the location and function of the lacrimal glands
Know the function (direction of movement) of the extrinsic eye muscles***
Know the 3 tunics of the eye and what they are composed of
Describe the vitreous body
Describe the cornea
Describe the iris
Know what colors the color receptors of the eye are sensitive to
Describe the anterior and posterior chambers
Describe stereoscopic vision
Describe how the lens focuses images on the retina
Describe the functioning of the Golgi tendon organ
Describe the function of the ciliary muscle
Know the three different types of cones
Understand how white light is received
Understand how the blind spot occurs
Describe how temperature is sensed
Describe how linear acceleration is perceived
Where are the ossicles located and connected to
Know the function of the tympanic membrane
Know the function and location of the auditory tube
Know where the sense of hearing occurs
Know the location and function of the tectorial membrane
Know how the frequency of sound is detected
Know the effect of a viral infection in the vestibular nuclei
Know the general anatomy and contents of the inner-, middle, and outer- ear.
Describe the reaction of the pupil to light
Understand how the lens changes shape in the process of focusing
Know the contents of the anterior and posterior cavities
Understand the relationship between gustation and olfaction
Define visual acuity
Describe cataracts
Define emmetropia
Describe conduction deafness
Understand the role of rhodopsin in vision