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Human Biology Skin Test Review
The outer, tough protective layer of skin. Epidermis
Cells in the epidermis that produce melanin. Melanocytes
The middle layer of skin made up of blood vessels, nerve endings and connective tissue. Dermis
Cells in the epidermis that produce keratin, a protein found in hair and nails. Keratinocytes
The bottom layer of skin, made up of fat cells, connective tissue, blood vessels & sweat glands. Fat layer
or subcutaneous layer
6. Glands in the dermis that produce oil to soften hair and skin. Sebaceous glands
7. Two fibres that help the skin stretch and reposition itself. Collagen and elastin
8. Name of oil produced by the sebaceous glands. Sebum
9. Our body’s first line of defence against infection. Skin
10. Name three function of skin. Protection, characteristics, sensations, temperature regulation excretion
11. How often is the epidermis shed? Every 28 days
12. The brown pigment produced in the epidermis that gives skin its color. Melanin
13. Receptors in your skin that sense physical touch and pressure. Mechanoreceptors
14. Receptors in your skin that respond to pain. Pain receptors
15. Receptors in your skin that respond to hot and cold temperatures. Temperature receptors
16. Receptors in your skin that respond to taste and smell. Chemoreceptors
17. Why do we shiver when we are cold? To warm up, muscle movements generate heat
18. These UV rays penetrate deep into the skin and cause 90% of damage (aging). UVA
19. These UV rays are not of concern because they are blocked by the ozone. UVC
20. These UV rays damage the outer layer of skin and cause sunburns. UVB
21. A scale used to inform people about the intensity of UV radiation each day. UV index
22. The most intense hours of UV exposure during the day. 11am to 1pm
23. Four ways to prevent sun damage to your skin. Sunscreen, hat, glasses, avoid peak hours, shade.
24. The most common form of skin cancer, 80% of all new cases. Basal cell carcinoma
25. Second most common form of skin cancer, scaly lump or patch. Squamous cell carcinoma
26. Most deadly form of skin cancer that can spread to other parts of the body. Melanoma
27. Area or zone on your face where many people break out; has lots of sebaceous glands. T – zone
28. Exposing your skin to sunlight can cause it to make this vitamin. Vitamin D
29. Strong hard fibre in the skin that helps skin stay in position. Collagen
30. These can happen to our skin if it is stretched too quickly. Stretch marks
31. Fibre in your skin that allows it to stretch and reposition itself. Elastin
32. A HPV virus can cause these bumps to break out on your skin, usually on your hands. Warts
33. Areas of the body where most skin cancer occurs. Head, neck, face, feet
34. A skin condition that produces dry, itchy red patches. Eczema
35. What 3 things can make acne worse? Over washing, over scrubbing, popping pimples, too many products
36. A deep puncture wound made in the skin and filled with ink. Tattoo
37. Protein in the top layer of skin, hair, and nails Keratin
38. Skin condition causd by a type of herpes virus (HSV-1) Cold Sore
39. Cell that protects against infection Langerhans cells
40. Name 3 areas of the bondy that are very sensitive- Tougue, lips, fingertips, palm of hand
41. Name 3 areas of the bondy that are not very sensitive- Back of neck, back of hand, upper arm and inner
Be able to label Pimple formation and skin diagram