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Propaganda is a form of communication
that is aimed at influencing the attitude
of a community toward some cause or
Seven Propaganda Techniques
There are seven major propaganda techniques:
1. Bandwagon
2. Card Stacking
3. Glittering Generalities
4. Name Calling
5. Plain Folks
6. Testimonial
7. Transfer
This technique gives the impression that
everyone is doing something, so you should
“Everyone is talking about this movie!”
Card Stacking
This technique presents one side of an issue
without presenting the opposing view.
“Our candy tastes good and makes you happy!”
Glittering Generalities
This technique links emotional concepts and
words to a product or an idea.
“Experience the freedom of driving!”
Name Calling
This technique links a person or idea to a
negative symbol.
“My opponent is soft on crime.”
Plain Folks
This technique attempts to convince the
audience that the message is “of the people,”
not some higher authority.
“I’m a political candidate, but I’m also a parent
and a taxpayer.”
This technique encourages the audience to
support an idea or product because someone
famous tells you to.
“I’m a pro ball player and I love this product!”
This technique involves projecting feelings for
a person, object or idea onto another.
A cartoon shows the Statue of Liberty lowering
her head and lamp as immigrants are turned
away from the United States.