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Mental Illness
Ch. 4
Mental Disorders Defined…
An illness that affects the mind and reduces
a person’ ability to function, to change, or
to get along with others.
Mental health experts see abnormal
thoughts, feelings, or behaviors as signs
or symptoms of a mental disorder.
1:6 people suffer from a mental illness
Causes of Mental Illness
• Heredity
• Physical Factors: brain damage from an
injury, brain tumor, infection to brain,
exposure to toxic chemical, or alcohol and
drug use.
• Experiences: early negative experiences
such as a abuse or recent negative
experiences such as a loss.
Can be grouped into categories:
(These are some, not all, of the categories)
Anxiety Disorders
Mood Disorders
Impulse – Control Disorders
Eating Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
• A disorder that usually causes strong
nervousness, worry, or panic and interferes with
daily living and functioning.
• Can be treated with medicine and/or counseling.
Some can be cured completely
• Anxiety can be constant over a long time or it
may occur in short bursts
• Include: General Anxiety Disorders, Phobias,
Panic Attacks, Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder (OCD), and Post-Traumatic Stress
Generalized Anxiety Disorders
• Intense worry, fears, or anxiety lasting
most days for at least 6 months
• Thoughts and worries don’t have a specific
• Warning signs include: restlessness,
fatigue, trouble sleeping, and trouble
– Many of these signs are common symptoms
of stress
Panic Disorder
(type of anxiety disorder)
• An anxiety disorder that causes a person
to have brief periods of extreme anxiety
called panic attacks.
• Panic attacks can be triggered by anxiety
or specific things called Phobias (ie:
spiders, flying, clowns) or by social
situations (ie. Meeting new people,
speaking in public)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
(type of anxiety disorder)
• An Obsession is an unwanted thought or image
that takes control of the mind and may lead to a
• A Compulsion is an unreasonable need to
behave in a certain way to prevent feared
outcome (the obsession)
• They are usually always present but tend to
become more apparent when person is anxious.
• Can be treated with medicine and/or counseling.
Can be cured completely
OCD Symptoms
Obsessive Thoughts
• Fear of dirt or germs
• Fear of causing harm
– Door unlock, oven on
• Need for order and
• Extreme cleaning
• Excessive double
• Ordering/arranging
• Mental ritual
– Praying,
Post – Traumatic Stress Disorder
(type of anxiety disorder)
• A disorder that can occur after someone
has experienced intense fear,
helplessness, or horror (rape, war, natural
disaster, abuse, accidents, and captivity)
• After the event, they continually
experience the event, avoid individual,
thoughts, or situations associated with the
event and have symptoms of excessive
Mood Disorders
• An illness where people
experience extreme emotions
that make it difficult to function
well in daily life.
2 types:
1. Depression
2. Bipolar
(type of mood disorder)
• A mood disorder in which a person is
extremely sad and hopeless for an
extended time period
• Can be triggered by chronic distress or
• Treatment can be meds and/or counseling
Risk Factors for Depression
• Genetics
• Major life change or prolonged stressful
• Being a victim or witness of a violent crime
• A previous bout of depression
• A sense of hopelessness
Symptoms of Depression
Sadness & tearfulness for no reason
Lack of energy and motivation
Excessive or lack of sleep
Feelings of guilt and hopelessness
Thoughts of suicide
Social withdraw
Don’t care attitude
(type of mood disorder)
• Illness in which people have uncontrollable
mood changes
• Also called manic depression
• Moods are on opposites end of spectrum
• Manic states cause increased energy and
irritation. Person is irrational
• Depression state is extremely low, often not
getting out a bed and tending to responsibilities
• Usually needs to be medicated for stable moods
An unhealthy way to cope with emotions,
stress, or traumatic events
Includes: cutting, scratching, or burning
Reason for self-injury is to relieve painful
feelings or divert emotional pain to
physical pain
Self-Injury can be a symptom of a mood
disorder, anxiety disorder, or eating
• Severe disturbances in thinking, mood,
awareness, and behavior.
• Symptoms include hallucinations (sensing
something that isn’t real), delusions (false
belief), and paranoia
• Ranges in severity from mild to severe
• Usually require life-long treatment with
Impulse Control Disorders
People with impulse – control disorder cannot
resist the impulse, or drive, to act in a certain
way that is harmful to themselves or others.
Examples include: