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Speed Writing
Odd One Out
How many times can you write
the word correctly in 30
Work with others - create a list if
three words. Which is the odd
one out? Why?
Writing Words! Resize letters!
In sand? On a friends back? In
the air? With your eyes?
Difference - it may help jog the
memory later...
Breaking it up
Use Colour
Clap the sounds. How many
syllables can you hear?
Be creative! Use colour to help
you remember tricky word and
letter patterns.
'fancy' writing
Picture the word in your head,
can you 'see' it on the page?
Write the word in bubble writing,
or block lettering.
[email protected]
Looks like /Sounds Like?
A simple game that can be carried out in pairs:
Ask the child to write a word (any word, or could link to a list) - then
ask them to write a word that begins with the same sound. Then
look at the ending, can they write a word that has the same ending?
And so on.. This really focuses the mind on the sounds and then
the associated spelling patterns.
[email protected]
Spelling Activity Cards:
Have a collection in your classroom:
•Write a review of a movie you've seen recently. Include
your spelling words in the review. If you ask the
children to include all their spelling words this will
become very surreal!
•Using a copy of the sign language alphabet, practice
your spelling words using sign language.
•Create a cartoon strip, include your spelling words in
the dialogue.
[email protected]