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Purple class Curriculum Information Term 1
How you can help
 Independent reading and
guided reading in groups
 Information books about
the human body and
 Writing sentences 'About
me' and ways of staying
 Labelling and information
writing about animals
 Reciting stories
 Phonic activities
 Counting to 30/40 + from
different start numbers
 Reading and writing
numerals to 20
 Reciting and spelling days
of the week
 Measuring length and
 Naming 2D and 3D shape
 Describing turns and
position including left and
Read at least 3 times per week with your child for 10-15 minutes when they are not too tired and away from
distractions. Talk about the book and illustrations and relate to your child's own experiences.
Encourage your child to blend (sound out) new words but don't leave them to struggle for too long so that they lose
the sense of what they are reading. If they are sounding out lots of words keep re reading the book to build whole
word recognition.
Give your child suggestions for writing such as a list, a letter to a story character, diaries or a note. Encourage them
to say what they want to write first in a complete sentence and then write the sounds they hear in order, re-reading
their writing.
At this stage correct spelling is less important than using the phonics they have learned. 'Tricky' or irregular words
such as 'the' or 'said' should be copied to learn the correct spelling.
Continue to revise letters and sounds (GPCs) from Reception and new ones as they are introduced.
Encourage your child to count and identify numbers around them. Talk about numbers, play games with larger
numbers such as bingo or snakes and ladders.
Talk about the days on which different activities happen such as Saturday going shopping. Look at diaries or
calendars and talk about days of the week and how they are spelt.
Use vocabulary to talk about length and height such as taller, shorter, longest. Keep a chart to measure the height of
family members. Let children see you measuring items with different instruments for different purposes. Encourage
them to look at the numbers and read them.
Talk about left and right feet, hands, turns. Play a game taking turns to give instructions for turning left or right.
 Observe and describe
weather and seasons
 Name different parts of
the body and those linked
to different senses
 Identify and name common
animals including fish,
mammals, amphibians,
reptiles, insects and birds
Describe and compare the
structure of common
Personal, Social, Health, Economic
SEAL 'New Beginnings'
Choose expectations and rules for
the class together
Good listening skills
Making others welcome
Expressing own opinion, School and
Class councils
Special Occasions- learn about
Harvest Festival celebrations for
Christians and for Jewish peoplegiving thanks.
Belonging to Groups
Talk about the different groups
children belong to and what it means
to some to belong to a religious faith.
Go for walks outside to notice changes in the weather in Autumn such as cooler, wetter, darker, leaf changes, berries
and fruits and fewer flowers, insects and animals.
Encourage your child to watch TV programmes about nature or to borrow books from the library about animals and
human anatomy.
Talk to your child about their feelings about starting a new class, how they can help themselves and others and
sometimes finding new things difficult.
Talk about harvesting fruit, vegetables and other foods at this time of year with your child. Talk about other things
in their life they may feel thankful for.
 Know that passwords and
logins should be kept
 Know who to tell if there is
anything online that
children see that they are
unsure about.
 Recognise uses of
technology beyond school
 Learn that digital devices
require instructions
 Visit the local area to find
landmarks linked to people
who help in our community
eg police, doctors. Find on
photos and plans.
 Describe similarities
between human and
physical geographical
features in a fictional
 Draw and label simple maps
 Draw a recognisable formourselves
 Hold and load a paintbrush
 Experiment with different
techniques- bubble
paintings mixing colours
Talk to your child about why we use passwords. Establish rules for using the internet at home such as telling a
trusted adult if they see anything they don't like or are unsure of.
Talk to children about the different things you use technology for such as socialising, banking, shopping.
When out in the local area point out features that were made by people such as roads, shops and other buildings and
natural ones such as hills, woods or ponds. Talk about an area you might have visited on holiday to think of human and
physical features such as beaches or a city and how they are different from Churchdown.
Provide paper and pens of different kinds to allow your child to draw accurately. Encourage careful observation of
the item to be drawn.
Design Technology
 Use tools safely to make
mechanisms such as hinges
and sliders
Plan, design, build and
evaluate a model house
using mechanisms
Show your child how to open up a cardboard box to observe how it is put together. Compare with boxes of different
Roll, kick, catch and throw a
ball with more control. Use
space when playing simple
Copy and link simple steps for
 Learn to use their voices
expressively to sing songsHarvest and topic songs.
Use simple instruments
imaginatively to create
story sound effects
Encourage your child to play with balls outside controlling the ball in different ways with feet and hands.
Show your child how to listen to sounds in order to move rhythmically.
Listen to music together noticing different instruments and describe the sounds they make.