Download December/January/February Spelling Menu

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December/January/February Speller’s Choice Menu
 At the beginning of each week you will be assigned a Unit of spelling.
 Each week, you will write your words in ABC order on Monday night due Tues. morning, then choose two
(2) activities from the menu below due Thurs. morning.
 Complete all activities in your spelling notebook, and be sure to label the top of the page with the Unit
Number and label each activity with the Activity Title.
Rainbow Words
Ransome Words
Reverse ABC Order
Write your words 5 times each, using
a different color each time.
“Write” 10 of your spelling words by
cutting letters out of a newspaper or
magazine and gluing the letters on
a piece of paper to spell your words.
Put all of your words into reverse
alphabetical order (from Z to A).
Story Time
Disappearing Words
Outstanding Words
Write a story using all of your spelling
words. This should be a wellorganized writing piece.
Write out each word. Then write it
out again but leave one letter out.
Then write it again leaving TWO
letters out. Then three…until your
word has disappeared.
Write your words 3 times each in
your neatest and most outstanding
Snow __now ___ow
Other Handed
Question and Answer
Picture Words
If you are right handed, write your
words with your left hand. If you are
left handed, write with your right!
Write 15 questions where the answer
is your spelling word. Don’t forget to
include the answer!
Draw a picture and hide your
spelling words in the picture.