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Eukaryotic Gene Regulation
Chapter 18
 Eukaryotes can regulate gene expression at multiple
stages from gene to functional protein
 Regulation of chromatin structure
 DNA methylation
 Transcription initiation factors
 Alternative RNA processing
 Protein degradation
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-- blue = DNA
-- orange = RNA
-- purple = protein
--Each of these is a
possible site for
regulation, but not all are
used in any instance or
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How do we get different cell types?
 Red blood cells, muscle cells,
 Every cell has the same genes
 Different cells express only a
fraction of their genes
 20% of cell’s genes are expressed
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Histone Acetylation
-- DNA level of regulation
-- Histone proteins have protruding
-- Acetyl groups can be added to these
-- Acetylated histones lose their + charge,
and are unable to bind to other
-- Acetylated histones = transcription
more likely
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Histone Code Hypothesis
 Histone tails can be
 Acetylated, methylated, or phosphorylated
 Methylation = condensation of chromatin
 Phosphorylation = separation of histones
 So which determines the proteins produced:
acetylation or the specific combination of these
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DNA Methylation
 DNA itself can be methylated as well
 Actually methyl groups are attached to the nitrogenous
bases of nucleotides
 Specifically cytosine
 Methylated bases are not able to be expressed
 Remember methylation from Inactivated X
 Interfere with normal methylation = weird results
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Important Difference…
 Histone acetylation = INCREASED transcription
 DNA methylation = DECREASED transcription
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Why are identical twins different?
 They have the same genome, so WTF?
 Base-pair mutations are one way to get genetic
 Different DNA sequences may be methylated, this
results in certain sequences being turned off
 So same DNA but phenotypic variation
 Identical twins, but one has schizophrenia while the
other does not
 Called epigenetic inheritance (traits that are NOT
contained on nucleotide sequences)
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Transcriptional Modification
 Most important area of regulation or control of gene
 Was this true in prokaryotes?
 Involves Enhancer regions on the DNA
 Activator proteins bind to mediator proteins
 The complex is called transcription initiation complex
 Transcription of the downstream regions is enhanced
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-- Activator proteins
bind to the enhancer
region of DNA
-- Activator proteins
also bind to Mediator
proteins +
Transcription factors
-- Forms transcription
initiation complex
-- Almost guarantees
that the gene will be
Slide 12 of 25
-- Activator proteins
bind to enhancer DNA
-- Different activator
proteins = different
gene transcribed &
-- Activator proteins =
directors of
transcription in
Slide 13 of 25
Alternative RNA Splicing
-- Spliceosomes can splice
the primary RNA transcript
-- Creates different
-- Fruit fly gene = 38,000
different combinations of
-- Yet again, is phenotypic
variation due to genetic
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siRNA Cure for Ebola?
 1.5% of genome codes for proteins
 Even smaller amount codes for RNAs (tRNA, mRNA,
 So is any part of the 98% ever transcribed?
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Slide 16 of 25
 microRNAs are capable of binding complementary
sequences in mRNA molecules
 Usually degrades the mRNA it binds OR blocks
translation of the mRNA
 1/3 of all genes regulated via miRNAs
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RNA Interference (RNAi)
 Inject dsRNA molecules into a cell
 This turns off gene expression of those genes with
same sequence as the dsRNA
 Small Interfering RNA (siRNA) were the dsRNA
responsible for the interference
 How did this lead to a treatment for Ebola?
 Ebola is an RNA based virus
 What about HIV? Hepatitis A or C? common cold?
 Dengue fever? influenza? H1N1, H5N1?
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Skip 18.4
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Cancer Genes
 Oncogenes = cancer-causing genes
 Proto-oncogenes = genes that codes for proteins that
promote normal cell growth
 Proto-oncogenes can become oncogenes
 Leads to an increase in protein production
 OR an increase in the activity of normal protein
 Either leads to TOO MUCH mitosis
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Tumor-Suppressor Genes
 The produced proteins inhibit cell division
 If a mutation decreases production of these products, cell
division will accelerate
 2 ways to get neoplastic growths (cancer):
Mutation which alters proto-oncogenes into oncogenes
 Over-produces protein OR hyperactive protein production
 This interferes with usual mechanism of cell cycle regulation
Mutation interferes with tumor-suppressor genes
 Insufficient production leads to mitotic hyperactivity
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Cell Cycle
Mutation in ras?
-- Activity even
though no growth
factor has been
received by the RTK
-- Outcome =
Excessive Mitosis
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p53 gene
-- Commonly called the
“guardian angel of the
-- Halts cell cycle by
binding CdK proteins
-- Allows time for DNA
--p53 is also directly
involved in DNA repair
--p53 initiates apoptosis
if DNA damage is
beyond repair
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MultiStep Model of the Development of
Colorectal Cancer
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