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“little organs”
Membrane bound structures within the
cytoplasm that have specialized functions.
One of largest organelles
Called “__________ of the cell”
◦ produces 95% of the cell’s energy (ATP)
Active cells have higher energy demands and therefore
more mitochondria.
Can divide through ____________ -or the pinching of
itself in half when the cells energy requirements increase.
Tend to be elliptical or round with an outer smooth
membrane and inner involuted membrane.
Inner membrane forms ____________ ,which increase
internal working area and the _________ (enzyme-rich
liquid housed in mitochondria that is used for
 Cristae are site of ATP production
 The more active the mitochondria, the
more cristae it has.
Most numerous organelle in the cell.
Made of two glubular subunits composed
of _________ and ____ that fit together.
Site of _____________ synthesis.
◦ assemble amino acids into chains
instructed by the cell’s DNA
May be attached to the endoplasmic
reticulum (rough ER) or free in the
 Affects the destination of the protein.
Series of flattened tubes stacked on one another and bent into a
crescent shape.
Walls are made of a lipid bilayer and are continuous with the
membrane of the nucleus.
◦ Rough ER is covered in ribosomes is involved in production of
____________, which then move into the ER (cisternae) where they
are modified before going to the Golgi apparatus.
◦ Smooth ER is connected to Rough ER and is active in synthesis and
storage of __________. Lacks ribosomes.
Reticulum (ER)
Modification, packaging, and distribution
Found near _________ and is similar in
structure to ER.
◦ stacks of flattened, crescent shaped cisternae
Receives and modifies proteins
produced by ER that is sent in sacs.
◦ sacs fuse with the Golgi apparatus and release
proteins into its cisternae
Once modification is completed, they are
packaged in __________ and travel out into
the cell.
Golgi Apparatus
Specialized vesicle formed by Golgi
Contain ____________ ____________.
Membrane fuses with engulfed bacteria or
cell nutrients and digests them.
Considered “__________ of the cell”.
When cells die, lysosomes within burst open
and enzymes are released into the cytosol.
◦ Enzymes digest organelles and nucleus of the cell
Membranous sacs containing enzymes that are found
throughout the cell.
Do not develop from Golgi. Instead come from peroxisomes
pinching in half.
◦ Remove _______ __________, normal products of
cellular metabolism but can be harmful in large
numbers (interfere with protein, lipid, and nucleic
acid structures).
2 major enzymes used:
◦ _________________-assist in conversion in free radicals
to hydrogen peroxide.
◦ _________________-reduce hydrogen peroxide to water.