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Transcript - Fish catches data mining is swedens largest reseller of environmentally friendly, digital fishing licenses for recreational fishing all
over the country. Along with each sold license, we ask our users to report their catches back in order to help the
non profit organisations that maintain the lakes and rivers with feedback.
This means that we now host a really big database of catch reports - what was catched, what species, weight,
date, lure used, etc. We want to do analytics and data mining on this database in order to present fishing tips to the
general public, for example, “The b est time to catch larger pikes in lake Roxen during spring-time using wob b ler
lures”. Can weather data be used too? Can there be a “Hot lakes right now” function? A search function is also
nice, example, “When and where do I catch trout in western sweden?”.
Part of the project will be spend on analysing available data and databases to see what information can be mined
out, the major part will be the implementation of this in SQL and PHP to provide an interface to the end users.
Implementation in PHP & MySQL, possibly also Javascript. A stripped clone of the server system will be handed
over to the team, excluding the sensitive ecommerce data, etc. Continuous support and feedback will also be
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