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Empty Oceans, Empty Nets – Questions from Reading
A complex set of factors have converged to contribute to the decline of ocean fish that is
documented in Empty Oceans, Empty Nets. Answer the following about these issues:
Diminishing Fish Stocks
1. According to the most comprehensive and recent data published by United Nations, what
percentage of the major marine fisheries of the world are currently fully exploited, over
exploited, or depleted?
2. 40 years ago, what was this percentage?
3. In what year did the total world catch peak?
4. How much was the catch in that year?
5. What is the key factor in fish populations that tells us when overfishing is actually happening in
that population?
Bycatch or Bykill
6. What percentage of the total world catch is discarded every year as “bykill” or “bycatch”?
7. How does this compare to the total U.S. annual catch?
Destructive Fishing Practices
8. Describe 3 fishing practices that damage vital marine habitats, especially along coastal coral
Globalized World Fish Market
9. With the advent of jet cargo and modern refrigeration, how long does it take much of the fresh
fish to actually get to market?
10. Where is the world’s largest fresh and frozen market?
Population Pressures
11. The current world population is _______ billion people.
12. What percentage of the world’s population lives within 40-50 miles of an ocean?
13. On what continent do more than 1 billion people depend on ocean fish for their entire supply of
animal protein?
Technological Advances
14. Name three technical advances made during and following World War II that have greatly
increased the ability of fishing fleets to locate fish to catch.
15. Briefly describe what happens on factory trawler ships.
Fishing Farther Down the Food Web
16. Describe what “fishing down” means.
17. Describe how fishing down impacts marine food webs.
Consumer Demand
18. What two things do most seafood consumers know?
19. Is anyone or any governmental body overseeing the extent of fishing or the status of fish
populations? If so, describe who they are.
Your Solutions
20. Describe 3 things that you would implement to help restore the marine fisheries.