Download Free Choice Spelling Directions

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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project

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Assignment ideas
This is the list you may pick from when given a spelling assignment
(homework or classwork).
*Requires parent signature
ABC order: Write your words in alphabetical
Repetition: Write your words 3 times each.
Word Art: Draw a picture and include the
words in your drawing.
Story time: Write a short story using all
your words.
Creative Letters: Write your words by
cutting out letters in newspapers or
magazines and clue them on a piece of paper.
Pyramid: Write each word by adding or
subtracting one letter at a time. The result
will be each word in a pyramid shape.
Sentences: Use each word in a sentence
(each sentence must be at least 10 words
Handwriting: Write each word three times,
in your BEST handwriting.
Choo-Choo Words: Write your entire list,
end-to-end, as one long word, using
different colors of ink or crayon for each
Timer*: Get a timer. Set it for 3 minutes.
See how many times you can write your
words before it goes off.
Scramble: Have your parents, or an older
sibling, scramble your words. You unscramble
them. (Turn in both sets of words, scrambled and
Letters: Write each spelling word as many
times as there are letters in the word. (ex:
“green” would have to be written 5 times)
Trace around: Print your spelling words
neatly. Take a colored pen, and draw an
outline around the word, closely follow the
shaped of the letters. Try to focus on the
shape of each word to help you remember
the spelling.
Colorful Words: Use two different colors
for each word, one for the vowels and one
for the consonants.
Practice test*: Have an adult give you a
practice test.
Computer words: Type each word, 10 times,
using different fonts and colors. Print and
turn in.
Words-in-Words: After each spelling word,
make two new words using letters from each
Rainbow words: Use each color of the
rainbow in every spelling word, starting one
letter at a time. R
Create an activity: Can you think of a
creative way to practice your spelling words?
Try it out! Include a quick description.
Crossword/Word Find: Put your spelling
words into a crossword or word find. You do
NOT have to make questions if you chose to
make a crossword, just make sure the words
can overlap using the same letters.