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Name:________________________________________________ Date:_________________________
The Kingdom’s Scavenger Hunt
Directions: During the next few class periods, we will be examining cells that belong
to each of the six different kingdoms. Because you are not familiar with some of the
kingdoms, we will be learning a little bit about four of the six kingdoms before we
start looking at their different cells. Using your book, work with a partner to learn
about these four different kingdoms of life.
The Two Kingdoms of Bacteria
Use pages 56-65 to answer the following questions:
1. Bacteria were not discovered until the late 1600s by a Dutch businessman
named Anton van Leeuwenhoek. How did he discover that bacteria existed?
2. Bacteria are considered to be _________________________________ which means that
their cells do not have any nuclei.
3. Bacteria have three different body shapes that can be seen when looking
under a microscope. These shapes include:
3. Until recently, scientists have classified all bacteria together in one kingdom.
This has recently changed, and now bacteria are classified into two different
kingdoms. These kingdoms are ________________________________________ and
4. Why did scientists decide to break up the bacteria kingdom into two separate
5. Archaebacteria are called ___________________________________ because they have
existed for billions of years.
6. Where do archaebacteria live?
7. The other kingdom of bacteria, the eubacteria, do not live in extreme
environments. Where do the eubacteria live?
8. How do bacteria get their food?
9. A lot of people think of getting sick when they hear the word bacteria.
However, most bacteria are harmless and even helpful to people. What are
three ways that bacteria are helpful to people?
The Kingdom of Protists
Use pages 80-89 to help you answer the following questions.
1. What is a protist and what are the characteristics that all protists share?
2. Because the kingdom of protists is so diverse, scientists have split them into
three categories. These categories include: _________________________________,
______________________________, and
3. Like animals, animal-like protists, or ___________________________________, are
heterotrophs and have to eat to get energy. Unlike animals, however,
protozoans are ___________________________________________________, which means
they are only made up of one cell.
4. Funguslike protists are very similar to fungus in some ways, but are unlike
fungus in that they are able to move at some point in their lives. There are
three categories of funguslike protists. These include:
__________________________________, _________________________________________,
5. Plantlike protists are commonly called ___________________________________________.
6. The one characteristic that all algae share is that, like plants, they are
_______________________________________________, or make their own food.
7. There are several kinds of algae including the euglenoids, dinoflagellates,
diatoms, green algae, red algae, and brown algae. Describe one of these
types of algae in detail below:
The Kingdom of Fungi
Use pages 95-104 to answer the following questions
1. Most fungi share three important characteristics. They are
_______________________________________, which mean their cells have a nucleus.
They use _________________________________ to reproduce, and they are
2. What is hyphae?
3. How do fungi get their food?
4. Fungi are classified into groups based on the shape of their spores and how
they reproduce. The four groups of fungi include:
5. Fungi have many important functions for people and the natural world.
Describe AT LEAST TWO of these important functions in the space below.