Download Sleep Cycle—In-Class Activity Notes

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Sleep and Dreams Internet Scavenger Hunt
Answer the following questions using a search engine and reputable websites.
1. List and explain one theory as to why we dream.
2. List one of the most common dreams people have and its possible meaning.
3. Around how many dreams do we have each night? Do we more often dream in color or black and white?
4. List one way men and women dream differently.
5. What is a precognitive dream?
6. Explain one famous precognitive dream.
7. What are some problems with proving that precognitive dreams exist?
8. What is lucid dreaming?
9. Give one suggestion to help a person develop the capacity for lucid dreaming.
10. How is lucid dreaming supposedly beneficial?
11. What do the following have in common in relation to dreams—pregnancy, psychological trauma, natural
awakening (without an alarm clock)?
12. Explain specifically how each of the following affects sleep.
a. Bright light--
b. Warm temperature--
c. Cold feet--
d. Caffeine--
e. Stress--
Milk near bedtime--
g. “White” noise--
h. Depression--
13. List three tips for getting a good night’s sleep.
2. List and explain a sleep disorder that mainly impacts adolescents.
3. Pick a sleep disorder of your choice (different than #11). Write the name here:_________________________
a. What are the symptoms of this disorder?
b. How does this disorder impact the person in his/her daily life?
c. How is this disorder treated?
4. Check out this link:
You will have to register; please note that the article is three pages.
a. How much less sleep to we get then people who lived a century ago?
b. When is our natural low point during the day?
c. What is a “microsleep”? Why is it a problem?
d. What is the human record for days without sleep?
e. List several of the effects of extreme sleep deprivation.
5. Check out this link:
a. How many hours of sleep does the article suggest that teens get per night?
b. Why don’t high school students get the sleep they need?
c. List three problems that can occur when teens don’t get the sleep they need.
d. List three ways to combat the loss of sleep in teens.
List one other interesting fact about sleep and/or dreams.