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Natural Variations in
pp. (150-154)
Dream Quiz
How many hours a night are spent dreaming?
What % of our REM sleep is occupied by dreams?
Which dreams tend to be more vivid – REM or NREM?
What adjective characterizes dreams of males?
What adjective characterizes dreams of females?
Understanding Dreams
(answers to ?s #1, 2 and 3)
Avg. hours of dreams per night = 2 hours
Dreams typically occur during REM sleep
80-85% of REM sleep is dreaming
vivid dreams
During NREM sleep
less vivid dreams
resemble “thinking”
Dream Theories
Theory #1
 Freud
Basis in psychoanalysis
Dreams are the “royal road to the unconscious”
 Dreams are unconscious wishes translated to
our conscious state
Dream Theories
Theory #2
 Winson (1990)/ Crick & Mitchison (1995)
Means of survival
information gained during the day is processed
 strengthens the memory of information that is
crucial to our survival
 allows us to free our mind of clutter
 open to new information in the future
Dream Theories
Theory #3
 Recent trends…
Dreams strengthen memories
doesn’t free our mind of clutter; solidifies what
we learned
REM sleep is connected to brain restoration
and growth (our body needs to dream)
Dream Content
What do we dream?
Influence from Sleep
When we are closest to waking
dream about recent events
 remember most dreams at this stage
During the middle of the night
 past experiences
Influence from Gender
(answers to ?s #4 and 5)
Characteristics of
Female Dreams
Characteristics of
Male Dreams
 friendly interactions
 indoor settings
recall more dreams
Influence from Age
Young children
dreams tend to be brief
 focused on animals
 no specific story line
Influence from Socioeconomic Groups
Lower/lower-middle classes
dreams involving people or misfortune
Caucasian vs. African American
little difference between dream content
Using your textbook, provide a brief
description of each of the following
(to be placed in your notes)
Sleep Apnea