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Ch 1
 Most psychologists work a colleges and universities
 Psychotherapy is associated with clinical psychology
 Hypotheses are educated guesses, has to be either supported or not
supported and must be empirically tested
 Goals of psychology include describing, explaining predicting and
controlling behavior
 Most psychologists study commonplace feelings and behaviors
 Wilhelm Wundt is the first modern psychologist
 Leader of behaviorism is BF Skinner
 Behaviorism is the study of the observable, what you can see
Ch 2
Classical Conditioning :Ivan Pavlov
Best results when the CS is presented at the same time as the US
Discrimination when the subject knows the difference b/w stimuli
Generalization when the subject responds to second stimulus similar to the
original CS, class of stimuli rather than just one
Variable ration schedule of reinforcement-slot machine, random rewards at
random times
UCS elicits an automatic response
Learning is a permanent change in behavior
Unpleasant consequence that decreases the frequency of a response is
Ch 3
 AHA moment is when a solution comes to you out of nowhere
 Eyewitness testimony is not accurate
 Declarative memory is conscious recollection of facts and events that you
can verbally communicate
 Proactive interference is when you cannot remember new information b/c
of old
 Retroactive interference you cannot remember old information b/c of new
 3 main memory processes are encoding, storage, retrieval
 STM lasts 30 seconds unless its rehearsed only 7 items at a time
 Repression is motivated forgetting
 Sematic memory just the facts, episodic memory your personal info
 Schema: mental framework
 Functional fixedness: can use obj for other things than its intended purpose
 Procedural memory- how to follow directions or do things
 Flexibility is mentally rearranging parts in order to find a solution
 Selective attention paying attention to other things around you in a
crowded room
 Chunking is grouping items into 7 or less to help retain info
 Three basic steps to memory input, central processing and output
 Mnemonic devices are memory aids
 Image is a symbol used to represent a class of objs
 Eidetic memory is a photographic memory
CH 6
 Hierarchy of needs created by Maslow. The triangle contains needs that
must be met in order to move on to the next level and that will motivate
us. The most basic need is fundamental needs, the highest is selfactualization, which is fulfilling ones potential
 Sociobiology’s see their intellectual ancestry through Charles Darwin.
Darwin created the theory of evolution. Evolution can apply to anatomy,
physiology, and behavior of humans. Darwin argued that people from diff.
cultures express basic feelings in the same way
 Polygraph is known as the lie detector and relies on bodily signals
 Anorexia and bulimia are serious eating disorders, motivated by control
needs and are mostly found in young females.
CH 7
 The most hallucinogenic drug is LSD
 Cocaine, caffeine, and nicotine are classified as stimulates whereas opiates
and alcohol are depressants
 Hypnosis divided consciousness, can’t be forced to do anything against your
will, people are highly suggestible, and do not use their critical thinking
 Hallucinations can be caused by drugs, fatigue, emotional sates , fever,
mental illness
 EEGS monitor your brain waves while you sleep
 Stage IV is deepest level of sleep, there are four stages of quiet sleep, Stage
II is where you begin to sleep walk
 REM sleep is dreaming, more active sleep
 Brain never becomes inactive during sleep
 Freud felt dreams represents our deepest wishes and desires, ones we
cannot act upon, first psychologist to suggest that we have large
unconscious component
 To lower high blood pressure, use biofeedback, mediation, and muscle
tension feedback
 Most effective cure for insomnia is behavior modification
 Consciousness is awareness of internal and external events
Developmental psych: study of the human organism from birth to death
Zygote to embryo to fetus
Teratogens: biological or chemical hazards to fetus
Piaget steps for development Child to adult-see chart
Accommodation: adjusting ones current schemas to make sense of new
 Object permanence out of sight out of mind, peek a boo
 Conservational; volume the amount never changes, just shape does
 Erik Erikson: each person has predictable life changing challenges at various
stages of life see chart on wiki
 Parenting styles: authotative: loving nurturing, rules boundaries,
democratic, authoritarian strict, laissez faire/permissive no rules BFFS
 Kohlberg: reason morals in childhood right from wrong, most will not do
something because it is against the law
Ch 15
 insanity is a legal term that holds that if a person is insane they do not
know the diff b/w right and wrong
 abnormality is defined as maladaptive, deviant, or despairing
 obsession is when an anxious person cannot stop thinking about something
even though it is unpleasant
 phobia is a persistent fear of a particular obj or situation
 an extreme fear of crowds is agoraphobia
 somatoform disorders are characterized as having psychical symptoms but
have no physical causes
 people that suffer from depression often feel guilt and need for selfpunishment they often suffer from learned helplessness
 a person suffering from bipolar disorder will have bouts of frantic mania
and deep despair
 individuals with paranoid schizophrenia believe that others are plotting
against them