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When excess glucose is taken in at a meal:
- Glucose molecules are combined to form a longchained polysaccharide called glycogen.
- Supplies glucose in periods between meals.
- Liver stores glycogen.
- Broken down into glucose molecules and is used
for energy.
Red areas indicate glycogen.
• Carbohydrate
• Water-insoluble fiber
• Cannot dissolve in water
Found in: carrots, celery,
cereal and breads.
We can’t digest cellulose.
Retains water to help move feces through large
• During exercise triglycerides
provide a larger proportion of the
body’s energy demand.
• Atherosclerosis – buildup of
cholesterol deposits, called plaque
on walls of arteries.
From: steak, hamburgers, cheese,
chicken with its skin, bacon, whole
More common in people that do not
exercise and smokers.
Amino Acids and Protein
• Protein in our diets is broken down to produce
amino acids.
Ex. Hair, fingernails, part of our bones
Essential amino acids: amino acids that are not
made in sufficient amounts.
All the amino acids we need are found in: milk,
eggs, meat, fish, poultry, cheese, and soy
• Water-soluble vitamins: vitamin C and 8
different forms of vitamin B.
• Work in conjunction with enzymes, promoting
the cellular reactions that supply energy or
synthesize cellular materials.
• Readily eliminated by the kidneys; not stored
in the body.
• Thought excesses of these vitamins can be
• Deficiency of Vitamin C
• Fat-soluble vitamins
• Vitamin A,D,E,K.
• Vitamin A is converted to light-sensitive
pigments in receptor cells of the retina.
• Stored in body fat and accumulate in the fat
• Excess Vitamin D can cause weight loss,
nausea, and irritability.
• Excess of Vitamin D can
produce rickets.
• Causes bone deformities.
• Dietitians recommend taking
vitamin supplements if you
don’t eat a balanced diet.
• Why is everyone against oxidants?
• Eliminates oxidants in the blood that are
involved in cholesterol build up in the walls of
• Oxidants may contribute to cancer.
• Diet rich in antioxidants may reduce heart
attacks, stroke, and cancer.
• Found in: fruits, vegetables, soy milk, tofu,
tea, and red wine.
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