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Ch. 2-3 Review
Know what happens when electron absorb additional energy, and what happens to that energy after
Know what determines the physical and chemical properties of an atom
Know difference between ionic and covalent bonds
Know why polar and non-polar covalent bonds form
Know what hydrogen bonds are and why they form
Know how water differs in each of it’s three states
Know the different properties of water and why they relate to water’s hydrogen bonding/polarity
Know how pH can be converted to conc. of hydrogen ions, difference in H conc between pH __ and ___
Know what isomers are and an example
Know the structure of the main functional groups, what types of chemicals they are found in
Know the structure of an amino acid, what makes each different
Know how polymers are constructed and broken down-specific reaction, different types of polymers
Know how starch, glycogen, cellulose differ
Know different types of lipids, difference between saturate and unsaturated fatty acids
Know the different levels of protein structure, examples and chemical bonding in each
Know how to calculate the # of different polypeptide combinations in a chain of X amino acids long
Know what denaturation is and what factors cause it
Know the structure of an amino acid, dna, rna
Know what elements are found in each of the four types of organic molecules, be able to recognize the
features of each type
Know examples for each type of carbohydrate, lipids
Most common elements found in organic molecules
Importance, diversity of carbon molecules
Importance, types of weak chemical bonds
Water’s chemical, physical properties, importance to life
Formation of polymers, how this determines directionality, order of molecules