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Q1) Which of the following are small particles of insoluble substances
suspended in the Cytosol?
d) Inclusions. ***
Q2) Which one of the following is not the example of inclusions?
c) Glycogen granules in spleen. ***
Q3) Which of the following is an endogenous pigment?
e)Melanin. ***
Q4) Which one of the following is not the type of intermediate
e)Actin filaments.***
Q5)Regarding hydrogen ion production in the body following is true
d) H+ ions are produced during metabolism of carbon
Q6)The distribution of buffers in the body following is incorrect
c) Bone buffers include hemoglobin, ammonia and
Q7) Regarding polarity of water following is true
d) Water molecule is polar, with opposite charges on opposite
Q8) First line of defense against pH shift are all except
c) Respiratory mechanism (CO2 excretion)***
Q9) Regarding structure of water following is true
b) The oppositely charged regions of nearby molecules form H+bonds**
Q10) During dissociation of water following is not true
c) Water molecule dissociates into (H+)and(OH-)ions is
Q11) how many types of cytoskeletal elements are there?
c) 3. ***
Q12) Which one of the following is not the type of cytoskeleton
d) Neurofilaments. ***
Q13) which one of the following is not the phase of mitosis?
e) Diakinesis.***
Q14) Division of mitosis results in how many daughter cells?
a) 2. ***
Q15) About 90% of cell cycle consists of?
d) Interphase.***
Q16) Gametes that develop from meiosis have how many numbers of
b) Haploid. ***
Q17) Which of the following is not the stage of prophase of meiosis I ?
d) Anaphase. ***
Q18) How many cells are obtained at the end of second meiotic
c) Four.***
Q19) Which of the following is not the type of cell surface
d) Microfilaments. ***
Q20) Which one of the following is not the function of microvilli?
e) Photoreception. ***
Q21)Inner core of cilia consists of a cytoskeleton called as?
d) Axoneme. ***
Q 22) Thyroid stimulating hormone is?
b) Glycoprotein's.***
Q23) G protein is an  trimeric protein which binds?
d) Guanine nucleotides***
Q24) G protein-linked Membrane Receptors has?
a) Typically a seven transmembrane domain.***
Q25) Adaptation is
e) Reversible functional and structural response to physiological and
pathological stress***
Q26) Hypertrophy
a)The increased size of the cell is due to synthesis
of more structural components of the cell.***
Q27) Atrophy
c) Uterus decreases in size shortly after parturition.***
Q28) In early stage.
a) Morphological and functional changes are reversible.***
Q29) Physical agents of cellular injury include
d) Electric shock.***
Q30) Regarding Genetic derangements.
e) Specific gene mutation.***
Q31) Consequences of cell injury include.
b) Adaptability of the injured cell.***
Q32) Apoptosis
a)It is a energy dependent process.***
Q33) Regarding Acids and Bases following is correct
c) Strong Acids and Bases dissociates completely
in Water***
Q34) Epithelium is a:
a) Tissue composed of cells that line the cavities
and surfaces of structures throughout the body. ***
Q35)which statement is not true regarding glandular epithelium
c) The cells multiply by the process of meiosis. ***
Q36)Distribution of simple cuboidal epithelium except
d) Outer surface of lens. ***
Q37)Stratified squamous epithelium lines the mucous membrane of
following except:
b) Larynx. ***
Q38)Which statement is false regarding pseudo stratified epithelium
e)All cells do not reach the free apical surface.***
Q39)Following statement is not true regarding MACULA
b)Cell-membranes are not straight in this region. ***
Q40)Following are the types of intercellular junctions except:
e) Zonula macula. ***