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Tissues of the Human Body
Groups of cells perform specialized functional and structural roles within the body. Cells within the same
tissue are quite similar.
Four Types of Tissue
1. _________________________ Tissue (cover and line)
________________________ Tissue (support, bind, connect)
____________________ Tissue (contract for movement)
____________________ Tissue (control and communicate)
Epithelial Tissue
A. Characteristics of Epithelial Tissue
- ____________________________________________________________________.
- Major tissue of glands.
- ________________________________________________ (avascular)
- Has little intercellular material
B. Function of Epithelial Tissues
1. _______________________ - skin, respiratory tract lining
2. Secretion - _________________
3. Absorption – stomach and ________________________________
4. ______________________________________________
C. Classification of Epithelial Cells
1. Done according to the _____________________ of ___________________________
_________________ - one layer
________________________ - more than one layer
2. Done according to the ___________________ of the cells:
________________________, _________________________, ________________________
Simple Squamous Epithelium
Lines body cavities
Lines the lungs and capillaries
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
Seen in many types of glands and their ducts
Also seen in the walls of kidney tubules
Simple Columnar Epithelium
Have 3 common modifications:
1. Goblet cells – cells that produce mucus that coats the epithelial membrane
2. cilia
3. microvilli
Associated with stomach, intestine, uterine, and respiratory tract
Pseudo-Stratified Columnar Epithelium
A single layer of irregularly shaped columnar cells that appear to be stratified due to the cells
having ________________________________ and the nuclei being at various locations.
Found in the lining of the __________________________________ and the male urethra
Stratified Squamous Epithelium
Cells ________________________________________ are squamous and cells _________________
_____________________________________________ are cuboidal or columnar.
Found in places where friction is common
Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium
Stratified Columnar Epithelium
Found mainly in the ducts of large glands.
Transitional Epithelium
_______________________, simple squamous epithelium
The shape of the cells depends on the ________________________________________________
Connective Tissue
A. Characteristics of Connective Tissue
Consists of cells and________________________________________________________________.
B. Functions of Connective Tissues
1. ____________________, Protection, and ___________________________.
2. Stores fat.
3. _________________________________________________.
4. Provides _________________________________________________________.
C. Types of Connective Tissue
1. _______________________
2. Cartilage
3. _______________________
4. Blood
5. __________________________________________________
Muscle Tissue
A. Characteristics of Muscle Tissues
1. Contractile tissue that____________________________________________________________
2. Composed of specialized cells that are able to ________________________________________
3. Connect to bones by tendons.
B. Types of Muscles Tissues.
1. ________________________ - attached to bones and under voluntary control
2. ________________________ - found in the wall of hollow organs and involuntarily controlled
3. Cardiac – found _______________________________________ and involuntarily controlled
Nervous Tissue
A. Characteristics of Nervous Tissues
1. Conducts electrical impulses
2. _____________________________________________ from one area of the body to another