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1. Osteocytes exist in a tiny void called a ____________________.
2. _____________ muscle tissues is involuntary, possess a single nucleus, branched fibers, striations, and
intercalated discs.
3. The epidermal layer of skin is made of which type of tissue? _____________________________________
4. The kidney tubules are composed of ____________________________ epithelium for absorption and secretion.
5. ____________________ cells produce cartilage.
6. The salivary glands are a good example of a (an) ____________________ gland.
7. ______________________________ cells support and nourish neurons.
8. Dense and loose connective tissues arise from one stem cell called ______________________________.
9. The scientific name for a white blood cell is _______________________________.
10. All epithelial tissues rest upon a ___________________________________.
11. The concentric rings observed in a typical cross-section through bone are called ____________________.
12. ___________________ muscle is involuntary and lacks striations.
13. ____________________ processes of the neuron always transmit impulses towards the cell body.
14. Dense connective tissue is located in ___________________ which attach muscles to bones.
15. The epithelial tissue found lining the trachea is called __________________________________________.
16. Two locations of hyaline cartilage in the body are ______________________ and ____________________.
17. All muscles, bones, and circulatory blood vessels originate from one type of germ tissue called _________.
18. The surface of any epithelial cell that is facing the lumen is called the _______________ surface.
19. The mucus-producing cells found in many types of epithelial tissue are called _______________________.
20. One site of transitional tissue in the body is the _______________________________.
21. The function of a __________________________ is to transport oxygen to body cells via blood vessels.
22. The scientific name for bone tissue is __________________________.
23. ___________________ muscle is the muscle of responsible for voluntary movement of limbs.
24. The insulating connective tissue observed in the hypodermis is _________________________.
25. Glands that release their secretions by exocytosis are called ___________________ exocrine glands.
26. Osteocytes produce ____________________________.
27. One location of dense irregular connective tissue is ___________________________.
28. The intestines are lined with ______________________________________ epithelium which is ideal for
absorption of nutrients.
29. One location of fibrocartilage within the body is _______________________________.
30. The tissue that makes up the air sacs of the lungs is ideal for gas exchange. This tissue type is called
__________________________________________ epithelium.
1. Lacuna
2. Cardiac
3. Stratified squamous
4. Simple cuboidal
5. Chondrocyte
6. Exocrine
7. Neuroglial
8. Fibroblast
9. Leukocyte
10. Basement membrane
11. Lamellae
12. Smooth
13. Dendrite
14. Tendons
15. Pseudostratified ciliated columnar
16. Joints, between ribs and sternum, nose
17. Mesoderm
18. Apical
19. Goblet cells
20. Urinary bladder
21. Red blood cell (erythrocyte)
22. Osseous
23. Skeletal
24. Adipose
25. Merocrine
26. Bone matrix
27. Dermis, fibrous capsules of joints or organs, submucosa of organs
28. Simple columnar
29. Intervertebral discs, discs in knee joint, pubic symphysis
30. Simple squamous