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Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________ Period: _________
Cancer – The Intimate Enemy
Directions: Use the information on pages 142-143 in your textbook to answer the following questions.
1. What happens when cells fail to follow normal controls of cell division and multiply excessively?
2. What is the difference between a benign neoplasm and a malignant neoplasm?
3. What does the word cancer mean? How does this help us understand the nature of cancer?
4. What two things distinguish cancer cells from normal cells?
5. List several carcinogens.
6. Name 2 genetic factors that are known to cause cancer.
7. Where do the most common cancers originate?
8. What is a biopsy?
9. How is cancer assigned a stage?
10. What are three common treatments for cancer? Provide a brief explanation of each.
Name: _________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________ Period: ________
At The Clinic – Critical Thinking & Application
1. The epidermis (epithelium of the cutaneous membrane or skin) is a keratinized stratified squamous
epithelium. Explain why that epithelium is much better suited for protecting the body’s external
surface than a mucosa consisting of a simple columnar epithelium would be.
2. In adults, over 90% of all cancers are either adenomas or carcinomas. (See Related Clinical Terms on
page 144.) In fact, cancers of the skin, lung, colon, breast, and prostate are all in these categories. Which
one of the four basic tissue types gives rise to most cancers? Why do you think so?
3. Camille tripped and tore one of the tendons surrounding her ankle. In anguish with pain, she asked the
doctor how quickly she could expect it to heal. What do you think the doctor’s response was and why?
4. Bennett, a trainee of the electron microscopist at the local hospital, is reviewing some micrographs of
muscle cells and macrophages (phagocytic cells). She notices that the muscle cells are loaded with
mitochondria while the macrophages have abundant lysosomes. Why is this so?