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Universitat de les
Illes Balears
Doctoral qualification (RD 56/2005 syllabus)
Experimental Sciences and Technologies:
Nutrigenomics and Personalised Nutrition
Timetable: Autumn semester
Teaching staff
Subject leaders
Research group
Ana M. Rodríguez
Biochemistry, Molecular Biology,
Nutrition and Biotechnology –
Ed.. Mateu
Orfila, Q.11
[email protected]
Number of ECTS credits: 4
Type: Obligatory
Be aware of the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, as well as mechanisms involved
in their control. Be aware of digestion and intestinal absorption of foods. Be aware of
metabolism of organs and tissues, and their integration in the whole organism, with special
emphasis on intercellular signalling systems (neurological, endocrine, paracrine and autocrine).
Apply this knowledge to personalised nutrition.
1. Gastrointestinal tract, digestion and absorption
Structure and function of the gastrointestinal system. Phases of digestion in the mouth,
stomach and small intestine. Gastrointestinal motility. Salivary, gastric and intestinal
secretions. Absorption of nutrients in the small intestine: monosaccharids, amino acids
and peptides, lipid absorption, absorption with water and electrolytes and other processes
in the small intestine. Balance of water in the gastrointestinal tract. The pancreas.
Structure and function. Physiology of biliar secretions and enterohepatic circulation. The
large intestine. Structure and function. Intestinal flora. Faeces.
2. Nutrition and metabolism of carbohydrates
Destination of carbohydrates in our diet. Metabolism of main carbohydrates absorbed by
the intestine: glucose, galactose and fructose. Non-glycemic carbohydrates. Resistant
starch, dietary fibre, oligosaccharids, fermentation in the colon.
3. Nutrition and metabolism of lipids
Lipids in our diet. Digestion, absorption and transport of lipids in our diet. Circular
lipids: structure of lipoproteins and their metabolism. Metabolism of cholesterol and
phospholipids. Remains of lipids in the organism. Metabolism of fatty acids. Nutritional
and metabolic effects of fatty acids in our diet. Effect of diet on seric lipids and
4. Nutrition and metabolism of proteins and other nitrogenated compounds
Overview of protein metabolism. Protein and amino acid turnover. Protein synthesis.
Regulation of translation. Post-translational events. Protein degradation and its
regulation. Amino acid catabolism. Amino acid synthesis. Alterations in protein
turnover. Interorgan amino acid metabolism Transport of amino acids and peptides.
Breakdown of amino acids in diet and role of specific organs. Molecules derived from
amino acids. Non-proteinogenic metabolic functions of amino acids. Other nitrogenated
compounds: metabolism of puric and pyrimidinic nucleotides.
5. Integration of the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins in the whole
Connections between the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and amino acids and
proteins. Complete overview of metabolism: daily rhythms in eating and metabolism.
Summary: metabolic control and physiological state.
6. Personalised nutrition and metabolic integration in particular physiological
situations: paradigmatic examples
Metabolic integration and personalised nutrition related to: pregnancy, breastfeeding,
fasting, physical training, cardiovascular illnesses, diabetes, cancer and ageing. Influence
of genetic factors and individual phenotypes on metabolic integration.
List of skills:
Ability to organise and plan activities in field of study (G1).
Ability to apply critical, logical and creative thought in work (G2).
Ability to incorporate scientific progress in own professional field (G3).
Ability to work independently and use initiative (G4).
Skills and flexibility to solve problems effectively (G5).
Ability to form hypotheses and design studies for their verification (G6).
Skills to analyse data and extract conclusions from results of research (G7).
Ability to work interdisciplinarily (G8).
Respect for ethics and intellectual integrity (G9).
Ability to assess and participate in team work (G10).
Literature search skills for research and work in the discipline (G11).
Ability to analyse critically relevant bibliography (G12).
Ability to articulate knowledge in oral and written presentations (G13).
Advanced comprehension of the global context in which area of speciality takes place
Ability to develop work in English (lingua franca of the discipline) (G15).
Understanding that advanced knowledge provides leadership abilities in the field
Understand the value of knowledge for the community (G18).
Ability to take part in aspects of contemporary society (G19).
Ability to analyse the risk/benefit balance of nutrients and other food components
Be aware of and be able to apply the concept of systems biology (E6).
Be aware of the complexity of nutrient metabolism (E9).
Integrate knowledge of main metabolic pathways and the role of nutrients in situations
of health and disease (E10).
Be able to design correctly experimental studies and apply them to the fields of
nutrigenomics and molecular nutrition (E11).
Apply statistical analysis correctly in the field of nutrigenomics (E12).
Be aware of progress in the fields of nutrigenomics, personalised nutrition and
molecular nutrition and acquire necessary skills to update this knowledge constantly
Course type: blended learning, with 15% of time in the classroom.
Learning and teaching activities:
Activities carried out by tutor with students:
- Classes
- Group tutorials with case studies
- Seminars for student presentation and discussion
Activities for students to carry out independently:
- Documentation of case studies and preparation of a report
- Recommended reading
- Preparation of a literature search in an area of personalised nutrition and metabolic
integration in particular physiological situations
List of methodologies (and percentages of contact time):
Theory: 40%
Seminars and workshops: 25%
Case studies 25%
Tutorials (10%)
Learning resources:
PowerPoint presentations in lectures.
Use of Moodle environment to transmit content and material and as an interactive
communication tool.
Bibliographic material (books, scientific articles, databases, etc.).
Assessment criteria and instruments
Assessment will take into account students’ basic knowledge of metabolism and metabolic
integration and their ability to develop and explain specific areas and case studies.
Two assessment options:
Continuous assessment: Students can choose this option: the final mark comprises the
- Coursework on theory developing and area of session six extensively (including group
seminars) (25%).
- Coursework on case studies (report on case studies) (25%)
- Short exams (two exams, with multiple choice and short questions) (50%).
Final exam option: The whole subject is assessed by a final exam featuring multiple choice
questions, short questions, a longer question for development and a question on problems of a
practical nature (100%).
Bibliography, resources and appendices
- María C. Linder (ed.). Nutritional biochemistry and metabolism with clinical applications.
2nd edition. Prentice-Hall International Inc. 1991.
- Michael J. Gigney, Ian A. Macdonald and Helen M. Roche (eds.). Nutrition and metabolism.
The nutrition society textbook series. Blackwell Science. 2003.
- Michael J. Gibney, Hester H. Vorster and Frans J. Kok (eds.). Introduction to human
nutrition. The nutrition society textbook series. Blackwell Science. 2002.
- Keith N. Frayn. Metabolic regulation. A human perspective. 2nd edition. Blackwell Science.
- Brigelius-Flohé, Regina / Joost, Hans-Georg (eds.). Nutritional Genomics. Impact on Health
and Disease. 1st Edition - 2006. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.
- Jakc N. Losso, Fereidoon Shahidi and Debasis Bagchi (eds.). Anti-Angiogenic Functional
and Medicinal Foods. Nutraceutical Science and Technology. Series Editor: Fereidoon Shahidi.
2007. Taylor & Francis Group.
Constantly updated bibliography of articles related to concepts of nutrigenomics, personalised
nutrition, the relationship between nutrition and the epigenome, the genome, transcriptome,
proteome and metabolome.
Useful web pages: