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Leader: Shanna
Course: BIOL 212
Instructor: Kukday
Supplemental Instruction
Date: 03/31/13
Iowa State University
Note: Chapter 47 is not included in this review because we went through it on Friday, 28 March
Exam 3 Review
Ch. 20, 10, 19, 35, 45, 47
Chapter 10
1. Which of the following is an example of extracellular matrix
a. Collagen
b. Fibronectin
c. Chitin
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
2. Which of the following is a function of the extracellular matrix (ECM)?
a. Strengthening cell-cell and tissue-tissue contacts
b. Providing support. Tissues such as bone are largely ECM.
c. Mediating cell signaling
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
3. Which of the following is true of the plant cell wall?
a. It forms a barrier making plant cells resistant to osmotic
b. A major component is cellulose.
c. A major component is glucose.
d. It is composed of a primary and a secondary cell wall, each
with distinctive properties.
e. All of the above
f. None of the above
4. Given the information in the table above, which
of the following is a reasonable
a. All collagens have similar physical
b. Collagens only form long fibers.
c. Collagens are not found throughout the
d. Collagens are found in the extracellular
matrix of cells
5. Tight junctions a. connect the cytoplasm of one cell to another.
b. are composed of pectin.
c. connect cells to the extracellular matrix.
d. form seals that prevent solutes from diffusing in between cells.
e. pair chromosomes during meiosis.
6. Which of the following processes are important for normal development?
a. cell division
b. cell migration
c. cell differentiation
d. programmed cell death
e. A,B,C
f. all of the above
7. Cellulose is
a. found in the plant extracellular matrix
b. a component of the cytoskeleton
c. associated with DNA to form chromosomes
d. produced in chloroplasts
e. a type of proteoglycan
8. What is the purpose of cell-cell junctions
a. To keep the extracellular matrix from breaking
b. To link cells together in various ways
c. To facilitate the movement of cells
d. To make sure that cells will obtain food
9. Which types of cell-cell junctions allow form a seal between intestinal epithelial cells?
a. Tight junctions
b. Anchoring junctions
c. Gap junctions
10. Most multicellular organisms have which of the following?
a. An outer cell layer that separates the organism from the environment.
b. Cell-cell communication
c. A transport system that allows fluids to move within the organism.
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
11. In anchoring junctions, there are two kinds of cell adhesion molecules,
cadherin and integrin. The function of cadherin is:
a. to create cell-to-cell junctions
b. to create connections between cells and ECM (extracellular
c. to mediate both cell-to-cell and cell-to-ECM interactions
d. None of the above
12. Gap junctions function to:
a. Connect cells to the extracellular matrix
b. Permit the passage of molecules from the cytoplasm of one cell to another
c. Form tight seals that prevent extracellular fluids from leaking between cells
d. None of the above
13. Tight junctions function to:
a. Connect cells to the extracellular matrix
b. Permit the passage of molecules from the cytoplasm of one cell to another
c. Form tight seals that prevent extracellular fluids from leaking between cells
d. None of the above
Chapter 19 and 35
14. During limb formation, which is NOT true:
a. Cell division promotes the growth of the limb
b. Cell migration causes cells to reach to their correct location
c. Cell differentiation produces specialized cells
d. Apoptosis eliminates cells in between the fingers
e. Cells undergo meiosis
15. Pattern formation during development can be determined/influenced by:
a. Morphogens
b. Cell contacts
c. Cell signaling
d. All of the above
16. Drosophila embryos have 15 segments, the identity of which is
determined by:
a. Bicoid
b. Gap genes
c. Pair-rule genes
d. Segment-identify genes
e. A transcriptional hierarchy of Bicoid/Gap genes/Pair-rule genes/Segment identity
17. Above is a model for flower patterning in Arabidopsis. If you mutate C function gene
(AG), what the four wholes will be:
a. Sepal-Petal-Stamen-Carpel
b. Sepal-Sepal-Petal-Petal
c. Sepal-Petal-Sepal-Petal
d. Sepal-Petal-Petal-Sepal
18. Shoot lateral meristems are……(Finish the sentence)
a. totipotent stem cells
b. pluripotent stem cells
c. bipotent stem cells
d. determined cells
e. All of the above
f. None of the above
19. loss-of-function mutation in a Drosophila melanogaster gene called dorsal causes a pattern
defect in the fly embryo. Mutant embryos are completely dorsalized; that is, dorsal structures
form where there should be ventral structures. What does this tell us about the normal function of
the dorsal+ gene?
a. That it is required for producing dorsal structures.
b. That it is not required for producing dorsal structures.
c. That it is required for making ventral structures.
d. That it is not required for making ventral structures.
e. None of the above.
20. In plant development, the following is NOT true of shoot apical meristems
a. they only occur in embryos
b. they involve pattern formation, morphogens, transcriptional hierarchies, progressive
restriction of cell fate
c. they occur at the tips of shoots and roots
d. they are a self-renewing cell population (like animal stem cells)
e. Continually produce organs, tissues, ect.
21. Loss-of-function mutations in a gene called Pax6 cause mammal or fish embryos to not form
eyes. What is the normal function of the Pax6 gene?
a. It is required for eye formation
b. It blocks eye formation
c. It is a morphogen
d. It signals formation of an R8 cell. e. The function cannot be determined from the
information given.
22. A molecule that during development provides positional information via
a concentration gradient is known as a
a. transcription factor
b. exon
c. endocrine signal
d. plastochron
e. morphogen
23. The figure shown above shows the expression domains of homeotic genes in Arabidopsis.
What would the pattern of structures be (Whorl 1 to Whorl 4) for a loss-of-function mutant in B?
a. sepals, petals, stamens, carpels
b. sepals, sepals, stamens, stamens
c. sepals, sepals, carpels, carpels
d. carpels, stamens, stamens, carpels
f. None of the above
24. In bone marrow, there are hematopoetic stem cells (cells that generate
blood) and other cells called stromal cells. Stromal cells express a protein called ”kit”. Injecting
mice bone marrow with anti-kit antibodies causes inactivation of the kit protein and results in a
dramatic decrease in the number of hematopoetic stem cells. The most likely function for the kit
protein is
a. a ribosome
b. an ion channel
c. a membrane receptor
d. a secreted signaling ligand
e. a cell adhesion molecule
25. Plants are different from animals because plant development …
a. does not involve stem cells
b. does not involve cell migration
c. does not involve transcriptional hierarchies
d. does not involve differential gene expression
26. Which is not correct about meristems?
a. occur at the tips of shoots and roots
b. non self-renewing
c. continually produce organs and tissues
d. involves pattern formation, morphogen, transcriptional hierarchies, progressive
restriction of cell fate
A mouse lacking both copies of MyoD does not show a phenotype. It forms muscle. Based on
this experiment, what could you conclude about the function of MyoD?
a. MyoD is sufficient for muscle cell differentiation under these conditions.
b. MyoD is NOT sufficient for muscle cell differentiation under these conditions.
c. MyoD is necessary for muscle cell differentiation under these conditions.
d. MyoD is NOT necessary for muscle cell differentiation under these conditions.
Chapter 45
27. Which of the following does NOT require hemoglobin to deliver oxygen to
the tissues.
a. Earthworms
b. Insects
c. Mammals
d. Birds
e. Amphibians
28. The vessels that return blood to the heart in a closed circulatory
system are referred to as
a. arteries.
b. veins.
c. capillaries.
d. sinuses.
e. auxiliary hearts
29. Which of the following is NOT a component of vertebrate blood?
a. plasma.
b. leukocytes.
c. erythrocytes.
d. platelets.
e. myoglobin
30. What allows many marine invertebrates (e.g. corals, jellyfish, sea anemones) to grow large in
size even though they have only a gastrovascular cavity for circulation?
a. these organisms are only a few cells thick and can rely on diffusion to transport
nutrients and oxygen throughout the body
b. there are many branches within the gastrovascular cavity that directly transport
nutrients and oxygen to various tissues
c. a single, large heart provides enough pressure to deliver the blood throughout the entire
d. there are many openings to the gastrovascular cavity that allow nutrients and oxygen to
be taken up from all directions
31. Why are respiratory and circulatory systems tightly coupled in organisms with closed
circulatory systems?
a. all cells in the body require nutrients, oxygen, and waste
b. organisms with a low surface area:volume ratio cannot only
rely on the simple diffusion of nutrients and gases to sustain
c. if these systems weren’t coupled, the blood pressure would be
too low to circulate the blood throughout the entire body
d. all of the above are true
e. only A and B are true
32. What is an advantage for insects to have an open circulatory system rather than a
gastrovascular cavity?
a. Insects are more efficient with a single heart.
b. Insects are terrestrial.
c. Open circulatory systems allow high hemolymph pressures.
d. An open circulatory system allows coupling of respiratory and
circulatory systems.
33. What is an advantage for insects to have an open circulatory system rather than a
gastrovascular cavity?
a. An open circulatory system provides for more metabolic dynamic range; the animal
can respond to changes in energy demands.
b. Insects don’t have open circulatory systems.
c. Open circulatory systems allow high hemolymph pressures.
d. An open circulatory system allows coupling of respiratory and circulatory systems.
Chapter 20
32. Why is PCR (polymerase chain reaction) so useful?
a. PCR can cut DNA in very specific places, to isolate specific genes.
b. PCR is a process where a vector is inserted into a bacterial cell, where the gene of
interest can be expressed.
c. PCR produces many, many copies of a specific region of DNA.
d. PCR is a mostly outdated process that scientists rarely use now, so it is not very useful.
33. When generating a transgenic cell or organisms, researchers often also include a marker such
as green fluorescent protein (GFP). Why?
a. These markers increase the efficiency of gene transfer.
b. The markers increase the expression of the gene of interest.
c. The markers are often pretty.
d. The markers are often easier to screen for than the gene of interest, and signal that the
gene transfer worked
34. Somatic nuclear transfer involves replacing the nucleus of an egg (oocyte) with the nucleus
of a somatic cell in order to develop a clone. Why is the egg needed?
a. The egg is larger and contains more nutrients than a somatic cell.
b. The egg has extra mitochondria, allowing the cell to be more metabolically active and
c. The egg is a totipotent stem cell, and contains molecules necessary for successful
d. All of the above.