Download Grade 8 Health Circulatory System Review

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Grade 8 Health
Circulatory System Review
Answer all questions in this review to ensure you are ready for the test next week!!
1. What are the three main parts of the circulatory system?
2. What are the three main types of blood vessels? Briefly explain what each do
3. Blood is made up of 4 things...Briefly explain each component.
4. Know the heart diagram...with respect to tracing the route that your blood takes through the
heart, to the lungs, back to the heart, and out to the body.
5. What do the valves in your heart do? Explain!
6. General Facts---
How big is your heart?
Why is blood sometimes blue?
What causes heart attacks?
How many chambers does the heart have?
What is the largest artery found in the body?
What is the largest vein found in the body?
7. Know the double sided diagram sheet at the back of your package–“What’s in Your Blood?’
and “Go with the Flow, Part 1".
If you know all of this should do well!