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Psych 260 Ch 5 Review
1. How do psychologists define learning? What kinds of behaviors or processes would psychologists say are not
examples of learning?
2. Briefly describe the processes of stimulus generalization and discrimination. Why are these processes
adaptive for human behavior?
3. Compare and contrast reinforcement and punishment, including the positive and negative types of each. Be
sure to provide an example of each one.
4. Why do learning psychologists discourage the use of punishment as a means of changing behavior?
5. Why are partial reinforcement schedules more effective than a continuous reinforcement schedule in
maintaining a high rate of responding? How does this difference relate to resistance to extinction?
6. Give an example of negative punishment. What is its purpose?
7. What is shaping? Describe how a professor could use shaping to teach students how to write a term paper.
8. Describe latent learning and provide an example of it from Tolman's research with rats.
9. The fact that the individual's behavior is modified and continues to remain different is why we say learning is
relatively _____.
10. In classical conditioning, any stimulus that provokes an automatic or reflexive reaction in an individual is
a(n) _____.
11. Pavlov observed that extinguished responses would sometimes recur a few days later if the conditioned
stimulus were again presented. This phenomenon is known as _____.
12. When the conditioned stimulus is presented by itself, after a while the conditioned response declines until it
is nonexistent, in a process called _____.
13. If the subject is given a rest during extinction, the CR will occur again briefly due to _____.
14. Stimulus _____ takes place when a conditioned response follows a stimulus that is similar to the original
conditioned stimulus.
15. Pavlov is to _____ conditioning, as Skinner is to _____ conditioning.
16. Any event that increases the probability that the behavior that precedes it will be repeated is defined as
17. A stimulus, added to the environment immediately following a response, thereby increasing the rate of the
response that preceded it, is called a(n) _____ reinforcer.
18. Reinforcement that is effective only after it has been associated with a primary reinforcer is _____.
19. When behavior is reinforced every time it occurs, a(n) _____ reinforcement schedule is being used.
20. In the _____ schedule of reinforcement, the number of responses required by a subject varies trial by trial,
but is averaged overall.
21. Students generally study very diligently before midterms and slack off immediately afterwards, which is
characteristic of behavior reinforced on a _____ schedule.
22. _____ is a formalized technique for promoting the frequency of desirable behaviors and decreasing the
incidence of unwanted ones.
23. _____ occurs when an individual acquires knowledge of something but does not show it until motivated to
do so.
24. In _____, the individual behaves in the same way as another person who has been seen to receive
reinforcement for the same behavior.
25. In the case of classical conditioning, a neutral stimulus must be _______________ with an unconditioned
stimulus, which elicits a response naturally.
26. "Little Albert's" fear of the white rat _______________ to a white rabbit.
27. Thorndike used the designation _______________ to describe the change in behavior which occurred as a
result of desirable consequences.
28. A reinforcement _______________ the behavior reinforced.