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Human Anatomy
Study Guide: Nervous system
Structures to know:
Neuron parts and functions; specific regions;
Axon hillock; Nodes of Ranvier; Schwann cells; nucleus of Schwann cell;
myelin sheath; neurilemma; synaptic cleft; synapse; and
Classification of neurons based on function: (known structure and location) sensory; associative; and motor
Know cutaneous receptors found in skin and their modalities.
Know the two principle divisions of the Nervous System.
Human brain: Know the terms; structures; location and function:
Cerebrum (cerebral hemisphere): lobes; Gyrus, Sulcus, Fissures
Carpus Callosum
Septum pellucidum
Choroid plexus
Pineal body
Corpora quadrigemina
Thalamus (intermediate mass of the thalamus)
Pituitary gland
Cerebral aqueduct
Fourth ventricle
Cerebellum (arbor vitae)
Medulla oblongata
Spinal cord
Know the meningeal layers and structures (ex: arachnoid villus) of the brain
Know the ventral structures of the exterior brain:
Olfactory tract and bulbs
Optic tract
Optic chiasma
Mammary bodies
Corpora quadrigemina
Medulla oblongata
Spinal cord
Know the human spinal cord
Know the anatomy of the eye and photoreceptors (as well as what they are responsible for)
Know the anatomy of the ear: the Organ of Corti; the labyrinth; ear ossicles
Know the specific function of the semicircular canals