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Name:____________________________________ Period:______________________Date:_________________
Mesopotamia and Egypt
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Main Idea: Historians use the term “Ancient Near East” to refer to a number of civilizations that developed in Southwest
Asia before 500 B.C. The Nile, due to its geographic location is also the site of one of the oldest civilizations – ancient
Essential Question:
Golden Hawk Historians will…
What features defined the civilizations of
Mesopotamia and Egypt?
What were the main achievements of
civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt?
Analyze the development as well as the
technological and cultural contributions of
Mesopotamia and Egypt.
In Southwest Asia a large crescent shaped band of fertile land forms an oasis in the midst of deserts and
mountains between two rivers – the _____________________________________________________________,
this land is often referred to as the ______________________________________________________________.
This land is also called ______________________________________, which means between two rivers.
The area between the Tigris and Euphrates was well suited for ________________________________________
because they flooded in the spring leaving behind fertile land.
Large cities began to form in __________________________ in 3000 B.C.
The Sumerians
Sumerian Society
There was a distinct ____________________________________________________, or system of ranks.
___________________________________________________________________________ 
___________________________________________  ______________________________ 
Women’s role changed over time from a place of honor to becoming more dependent on men.
They still had legal rights and could own property.
Sumerian Religion
The Sumerians practiced ________________________________________, or the worship of many gods.
They believed the god’s acted like human and controlled the natural forces like flooding, rain,
At the center of each city was a ____________________________ and at the center of each temple was
a _____________________________________________________, or a pyramid temple.
At the center of the ziggurat was a shrine to that city’s god.
Sumerians invented the earliest known form of writing called __________________________________
using a reed pen to make wedge shaped marks on clay tables
Scribes had to go through years of difficult schooling to acquire their skills
The Sumerians developed a _________________ system based upon the number 60.
Divided an hour into 60 minutes and a circle into 360 degrees.
Sumerians learned to use ___________________________________ that was necessary to build the
elaborate structures and irrigation systems.
Empires in Mesopotamia
Sargon’s Empire
Frequent warfare weakened Sumer’s city-states and invading people conquered the region.
The _______________________________________ in the Northern region of Mesopotamia were ruled
by ____________________________ created the first permanent army.
He used his army to conquer all of Sumer and northern Mesopotamia.
1790 BC ____________________________ of Babylon brought much of Mesopotamia under his control
Develops a set of laws known as the _______________________________________________________,
the first attempt to create a system of laws that would govern a state.
The code helped to _________________________ his Empire.
Hammurabi also improved ______________________________________________________________
The Civilizations of Mesopotamia
As the Babylonian Empire declined other civilizations prospered in and around the Fertile Crescent.
The ________________________, an Indo-European tribe, attacked from the North.
The Hittites greatest asset was their chariots that held three people and were very powerful.
The Hittites were masters in _________________________________________ and extracting iron ore.
The Assyrians
The ______________________________ were originally from northern Mesopotamia where they
farmed and raised cattle.
Assyrians power relied on their ___________________________ which included chariots,
soldiers, and a cavalry.
They were known for their _______________________________________________________.
The Chaldeans
The ______________________________________ took over after the Assyrians and revived the power
of Babylon under their leader ____________________________________________________________.
Their empire stretched from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea.
Nebuchadnezzar built the ________________________________________________________________
and encouraged ___________________________________, especially astronomy, amongst the people.
The Phoenicians
______________________________________________, in the Western part of Mesopotamia along the
Mediterranean sea, emerged as a _________________________________________________________.
The Phoenicians were dependent upon _____________________________________________________
for their livelihood because there was little farming available.
As trade grew they began to establish colonies along the coast, the most famous of which is
The greatest achievement of the Phoenicians was the ________________________________________,
one of the first alphabets in the world.
The Hebrews and Judaism
The Hebrews
______________________________ recorded most of their events in the ________________________,
their holy book.
_________________________________________ is considered the founder of the Israelites
who migrated to Canaan because of a covenant he had with God.
Famine caused the Israelites to move to Egypt where they became enslaved.
In 1,000 B.C. the united Israelite tribes set up a kingdom called __________________________________
that was united under _______________________________________________.
The Israelites fell to the Assyrians and the Chaldeans who forced the Israelites into exile in
____________________________, referred to as the _________________________________________.
This was the start of the __________________________________________________________,
or the scattering of Jews outside Judah.
Judaism was a _____________________________________ religion, meaning they believed in one God.
At the heart of Judaism is the ____________________________________________________________,
which is a set of laws the Jews believe God gave them through Moses.
Jews had a strong belief in ________________________________________________________
that emerged as a result of an adherence to the Ten Commandments.
The Persian Empire
The Persian Empire
___________________________________ founded the Persian Empire, but let the conquered people
keep their customs.
Unification of Persia was accomplished under _________________________ who divided the empire
into provinces that were led by a _________________________, or a governor.
He also __________________________________________ to increase communication and built
He set up a __________________________________________________________ where goods
and services are paid for through the exchange of some token of an agreed upon value.
________________________________________________ was a religion that developed in Persia based
on the teachings of a man named Zoroaster.
He rejected the Persian Gods.
_______________________________________ was a single wise god who was in a constant battle
against Ahriman the prince of lies and evil
People had to pick which side to be loyal to.
On judgment day all would be __________________________ by their actions. The good would enter
paradise and evil dowers would be condemned to eternal suffering.
The Kingdom of Egypt
The ______________________________ was the most important physical feature of the Egyptian Empire, much
like the Tigris and Euphrates in Mesopotamia the regular predictable flooding made it excellent for farming.
The best farming occurred in the __________________________________________, a small strip of
land toward the mouth of the river.
People built ___________________________________________________________________________
to channel the rising river and store water for the dry season.
Egypt was broken into two regions:
_____________________________________________ in Northern Egypt was located downriver of the
Nile and occupied much of the Nile Delta.
_____________________________________________ in Southern Egypt was located up river along a
series of cataracts, or rocky stretches marked by swift currents and rapids.
In 3100 B.C. _____________________________________________, king of Upper Egypt, __________________
the two regions and used the Nile to link the two regions and as a trade route.
Main Periods of Ancient Egypt
The Old Kingdom (2700-2200 B.C.)
Pharaohs organized a __________________________________________________________________.
Egyptians believed the ________________________________________ had a divine right to
rule because he was a __________________________.
Power passed from one __________________________ to another, or ruling family to another.
This period is characterized by the ______________________ that were used as tombs for the Pharaoh.
The Middle Kingdom (2050-1800 B.C.)
Over time Pharaoh’s lost power to the __________________________________ and the political
stability in Egypt disappeared.
Famine and disease led to displeasure with the Pharaoh.
A new dynasty rose to power and established the ____________________________________________
with a focus on ________________________ with people around the Middle East and into Nubia.
The Middle Kingdom fell to the ______________________________ until the next Egyptian dynasty was
able to drive them out and set up the New Kingdom.
The New Kingdom
New Kingdom pharaoh’s decided the best way to protect Egypt from further invasion was to build a
powerful _______________________________ and seek out “buffer” lands between the Empire and
their invaders.
________________________________________ ruled between 1503 – 1482. She encouraged trade
with many eastern Mediterranean lands and along the Red Sea. She was also the first female to rule in
her own name.
________________________________________ was the most powerful ruler who ruled between 1290
– 1224. He increased the empires size, built temples and monuments boasting of his conquests.
Egypt began to decline after his death.
Egyptian Religion
Egyptian belief in __________________________________________ had a profound effect on their civilization.
They are _________________________________________________
Chief god was ___________________________________: the sun god
Other gods that were regularly worshipped were _________________________ (protector of the dead),
Egyptians built __________________________ to honor their gods.
Main feature was ___________________________________, tall thin pillars with pyramid shaped tops.
Common people played no role in the regular worship of gods but rather worshipped them during annual
Mummification and Burial
______________________________________ is the preservation of the dead in preparation for the afterlife.
Process took months to complete.
The first step in mummification was to remove the ________________________________________________.
The only thing left in the body was the heart.
The body was packed with spices and wrapped in order to keep its shape.
Once a body was mummified the body had to be buried.
Egyptians were buried with __________________________________________________ as well as food
and drink for the afterlife.
Egyptian Society
Social Structure
At the top of society was the _______________________________ and his family
Then the __________________________________________________________.
_____________________________________________________________________ were next.
The bottom rungs of society were _____________________________________________________.
Women in Egypt enjoyed greater ____________________________________ than women elsewhere.
Could inherit property, conduct business, go to court, etc.
Women, however, could not be scribes or hold government positions.
They developed a form of picture writing called ______________________________________________
As language became more complex they added _______________________________________
or pictures that symbolized an idea or action
Over time they developed _________________________________ a simpler form of writing for
everyday use
They wrote on a paper like material made from _____________________________________________
and wrote with reed pens and ink
Rosetta Stone
Jean Champollion discovered the ______________________________ which helped him to decipher or
decode the ancient hieroglyphics.
The stone was flat and black with the same message carved in three forms _________________
Medicine and Science
Physicians became skilled at __________________________________, diagnoses, finding cures,
__________________________________, medicines.
Priests and astronomers studied the heavens charting movements of plants and mapping constellations
thus developing a _________________________________________
______________________________ was used to survey the land and build pyramids and temples and
irrigations systems
Art and Literature
Paintings, statues, poems, literature, temples, pyramids, tombs give us much information of daily life,
trade, farming, religious ceremonies and battles.