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SSWH1, SSWH2, and SSWH3 Concept Review
SSWH1 The student will analyze the origins, structures, and interactions of complex societies in the ancient
Eastern Mediterranean from 3500 BCE to 500 BCE.
a. Describe the development of Mesopotamian societies; include the religious, cultural, economic, and political
facets of society, with attention to Hammurabi’s law code.
Mesopotamia-civilization started here, its birthplace/ Developed around Tigris and Euphrates
Also known as Fertile Crescent
Hammurabi’s Law-had a harsh law code, Babylonian
Use ziggurat temples/ Religion and political life was linked
b. Describe the relationship of religion and political authority in Ancient Egypt.
Pharaoh, leader of Egypt, was leader of political system and religious system/ Developed along Nile
Religion and politics were linked
c. Explain the development of monotheism; include the concepts developed by the ancient Hebrews, and
Polytheism-worship of many gods
Monotheism-worship of one god
Hebrews-Had a series of laws called the Ten Commandments, monotheistic, and follow Judaism, Torah
Zoroastrianism, first monotheistic religion
d. Describe early trading networks in the Eastern Mediterranean; include the impact Phoenicians had on the
Mediterranean World.
Phoenician’s were early traders in the Mediterranean Sea
Phoenician Alphabet-basis of our Alphabet today
Seafaring traders on the Mediterranean
e. Explain the development and importance of writing; include cuneiform, hieroglyphics, and the Phoenician
Forms of writing
Cuneiform-used in Mesopotamia
Hieroglyphics-used by Egyptians
Phoenician Alphabet-basis of our Alphabet today
SSWH2 The student will identify the major achievements of Chinese and Indian societies from 1100 BCE to
500 CE.
a. Describe the development of Indian civilization; include the rise and fall of the Maurya Empire, the “Golden
Age” under Gupta, and the emperor Ashoka.
Developed along Ganges and Indus River (Indus River Valley)
Maurya-Early successful dynasty in India, large empire
India’s Golden Age-good times in India, science, art, and math
Gupta-Golden Age in India
Ashoka-ruler in India, converted to Buddhism, practiced peace, placed “edicts” on pillars
Ashoka sent Buddhist missionaries
b. Explain the development and impact of Hinduism and Buddhism on India and subsequent diffusion of Buddhism.
Hinduism-India/ Hinduism- In India, had a strict social system, caste system/ Around for thousands of years
Buddhism developed in India, from teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, “The Buddha”
Silk road spread Buddhism into China and other countries
c. Describe the development of Chinese civilization under the Zhou and Qin.
Zhou Dynasty-First dynasty to control China, brutal, came up with Mandate of Heaven
Emperor Qin-first Emperor of all of China/ Short lived dynasty
d. Explain the impact of Confucianism on Chinese culture; include the examination system, the Mandate of Heaven,
the status of peasants, the status of merchants, and the patriarchal family, and explain diffusion to Southeast Asia,
Japan, and Korea.
Male based society
Confucianism-belief in China, respect for elders
Used a system of exams to test candidates for jobs
Mandate of Heaven-belief that god gave rulers the right to rule, when rulers lost power, they had lost the Mandate
of Heaven
e. Explain how the geography of the Indian Subcontinent contributed to the movement of people and ideas.
India was separated from rest of Asia by Himalayan Mountains and Indian Ocean
SSWH3 The student will examine the political, philosophical, and cultural interaction of Classical
Mediterranean societies from 700 BCE to 400 CE.
a. Compare the origins and structure of the Greek polis, the Roman Republic, and the Roman Empire.
Male based societies
Polis-Greek city state, each city state different/ Athens-Arts and culture, women little power/ Sparta-Warlike
Roman Republic-Controlled by Senate, made up of elected representatives, developed from in Italy----women
Roman Empire-Lead by emperor, created after Augustus came to power
b. Identify the ideas and impact of important individuals; include Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle and describe the
diffusion of Greek culture by Aristotle’s pupil Alexander the Great and the impact of Julius and Augustus Caesar.
Socrates-Greek philosopher who used Socratic Method
Plato-founded the Academy
Aristotle-Alexander the Great’s teacher
Alexander the Great-Greek who wanted to spread Greek culture (Hellenism)
Julius Caesar-Ruled Rome, but was killed by Roman Senate / Augustus Caesar-first Emperor of Rome
c. Analyze the contributions of Hellenistic and Roman culture; include law, gender, and science.
Hellenistic-spreading of Greek culture by Alexander the Great
Roman Law-Idea of being “Roman,” similar dress, appetite, buildings
Women had little power
d. Describe polytheism in the Greek and Roman world and the origins and diffusion of Christianity in the Roman
Mythology in Greece
Roman Polytheism derived from Greece Polytheism
Spread of Christianity-Spread because it offered hope to those who were suffering
Constantine accepted Christianity, Christianity then accepted in Rome
e. Analyze the factors that led to the collapse of the Western Roman Empire.