Download Important people in the Roman history

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Important people in the Roman history
1. Romulus and Remus: According to the legend they founded Rome.
2. Mucius Scaevola: He put his right arm into fire to prove how brave Romans were.
3. Horatius Cocles: He kept the Etruscan army on a bridge.
4. Cloela: Roman virgin escaped from Etruscans but she went back when she realised
she made the situation dangerous for Romans. The Etruscans respected her.
5. Hannibal: Punic general, crossed the Alp, won the battlefield in Cannae in 216 BC,
he had to move back to Cartage.
6. Cornelius Scipio Africanus: Roman general, he won the battlefield in Zama in 202
7. Spartacus: Gladiator, the leader of slave revolt between 73-71 BC.
8. Julius Caesar: Conquered Gaul Province, Crossed the River Rubicon, became
dictator, made calendar reform, assassinated on 15th March 44.
9. Augustus: his original name was Octavian, he was the first emperor, he wasn’t called
dictator, however he was the Princeps Civilitates, he vote first. The beginning of Pax
Romana, fire station, police station.
10. St. Peter: the first pope
11. Saul/Paul: He had the Damascus Road conversation. Before that he wanted to
persecute Christians, but after the conversation he became Christian and preached
12. Constantine: He made the Christian religion legal in 313.
13. Attila: Leader of the Hun. Western nations called him the scourge of god.
14. Romulus Augustus: the last Roman emperor.
15. Odoacer: German leader who threw away the last Roman emperor in 476 BC.