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Teamwork in Administration
Synergistic Leadership in UIM International
Leadership is ______________________________not ____________________________________
Leadership must not be only _________________________________________________________
Leadership must be ________________________________________________________________
Leadership is not fulfilled by an ____________________________ in ________________________
Leadership is a mutually shared ______________________________________________________
Leadership has identifiable individualized ___________________ and _______________________
Pronunciation: sin-r-jiz-m
Function: noun
: interaction of discrete agencies (as industrial firms), agents (as drugs), or conditions such that the total
effect is greater than the sum of the individual effects
: action between individual parts or forces that produces a total result that is greater than the sum of
the individual results
Illustration: A balanced diet vs and imbalanced diet
The essential individual components of a balance diet include
•Proteins are involved in growth, repair and general maintenance of the body.
•Carbohydrates are usually the main energy source for the body.
•Lipids or fats are a rich source of energy, key components of cell membranes and signalling
molecules, and as myelin they insulate neurons (nerve cells).
•Vitamins are important in a range of biochemical reactions.
•Minerals are important in maintaining ionic balances and many biochemical reactions.
•Water is crucial to life. Metabolic reactions occur in an aqueous environment and water acts as
a solvent for other molecules to dissolve in.
The Components of DNA
Deoxyribonucleic acid — DNA — is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the
development and functioning of all known living organisms (with the exception of RNA viruses). The
main role of DNA molecules is the long-term storage of information. DNA is often compared to a set of
blueprints, like a recipe or a code, since it contains the instructions needed to construct other
components of cells, such as proteins and RNA molecules. The DNA segments that carry this genetic
information are called genes, but other DNA sequences have structural purposes, or are involved in
regulating the use of this genetic information. Along with RNA and proteins, DNA is one of the three
major macromolecules that are essential for all known forms of life.
The Components of a UIM Leadership Team Profile
MISSION: My mission is to promote and inspire biblical leadership at all levels of UIM’s ministry and to
effectually expand the ministry of UIM International. Working through my administrative team I seek to
fulfill the purpose of UIM International in effectively reaching the indigenous people groups of North
America and establish healthy local churches among them.
RELATIONSHIPS: I am accountable to the UIM International Board of Directors and responsible for the
UIM International Administrative Team. I seek to encourage and equip the administrative team that
they might effectively lead their respective areas of ministry responsibility.
Primacy of the Local Church
UIM believes the local church is the focal point of God's plan for displaying his glory to the nations. My
vision is simple: To cultivate and encourage biblical partnerships with churches to reach First Nations,
Indigenous Indian, Mexican and Hispanic peoples in North America and establish indigenous local
churches among them.
Promote Four Essential Biblical Priorities
The Glory of God
The Greatness of Christ
The Grandeur of the Gospel
The Gratitude of Serving
Committed to Reaching Native Indigenous peoples of North America with the gospel of Jesus Christ
(Romans 1:14-17)
UIM VALUES: Personal and Corporate priorities for UIM are:
Biblical truth and applied wisdom – God’s Glory
Local churches – Christ’s Commission
Primacy of Relationships – Christ’s Command
Pursuit of Excellence – Christ’s Standard
Servant Leadership – Christ’s Goal
Life-long Learning – Christ All in All
KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS: The main focus of my ministry is:
Board of Directors – respect and respond to the position and decisions of the Board
Administrative Directors – mutually respect and coordinate ministry with fellow Field/Administrative
Vision for UIM International – coordinate my Administration Vision with that to UIM’s Vision
Native Leadership Development (local church and missions) – invest in developing discipleship
relationships with key Indigenous leaders
Public Relations – personally promote and recruit for UIM in general and my field of ministry in
Endeavor to seek and train my replacement in due course
MINISTRY: My job description for the year 2013 is:
MISSIONARIES under my charge (My personal care of and coordination with Field Missionaries under my
List the persons and/or organizations/institutions you plan to present UIM – I have been and will be
engaged in a variety of settings; local churches, Bible colleges, seminars, leadership gatherings, to
represent and promote UIM International
Establish “New Regions and New Reaches” with administrative team
Establish a Hispanic Field Director
Establish a college/university outreach ministry
Increase UIM’s media quality and presence in print and internet venues
Continue to develop and raise leadership standards at all levels
Establish an Expositional Bible Conference ministry for Native leadership
Enhance member care ministry and missionary life and ministry health assessment
Facilitate the Biblical Governance process of Board and Administrative leadership
Review UIM Youth Camping ministries and objectives – a view to leadership development
PERSONAL Commitments and Goals
1. I seek to daily maintain personal spiritual and physical discipline
2. I seek to set and be an example to others in demeanor, public and private.
3. I seek to spend extend time with my Lord in prayer and scripture
4. I seek to be available anytime and anywhere as beloved slave of our Lord Jesus
My “Heart Cry” for my Field Ministry – what life-change I am praying for in my area of ministry:
Field Staff &
Dan Fredericks
Board of
Directors and
Personal and
Promotion of