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History 104
Western Civilization
Prof. Vallance
Spring 2011
People: Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar, Dioceltian, Constantine, Severus, Marc Antony,
Cleopatra, Sulla, Gaius Marius, Nero, Callilgula, Odivacer, Justinian, Theodora, Clovis,
Pepin the Short, Charles Martel, Charlemagne, Louis the Pious, Muhammad, Khadija,
Ali, Pope Leo III, Pope Stephen, Remus, Romulus, Count Roland, Hannibal.
Events: Roman Revolution, Splitting of the empire, Assassination of Julius Caesar, Great
Fire of Rome, Five Good Emperors, Council of Nicea, Fall of Rome, Battle of Actium,
Nika Revolt, Battle of Poitiers, Crowning of Charlemagne, Hijra, Carolingian
Renaissance, Punic Wars.
Concepts: Republic, Imperium, Pax Romana, Plebian, Patrician, Censor, Governor,
Mayor of the Palace, Sunni, Shi’a, Bishop, Pilgramage, Jihad, Triumverate, Consul,
Constitution, Equestrian, Count, Duke, Feudalism.
Some questions to consider:
1. What were the differences between the patricians and plebians? What did the
plebians do to gain power? Did they truly have power? If not, what did the
government do to keep them from revolting again?
2. How did the senate control the government? How did the dictators take control?
What prompted Caesar to revolt against Rome? What caused his assassination?
How did the Romans treat their outlying provinces?
3. What caused the decline of Rome? What role did the German tribes play in this
decline? What role did Christianity play in the empire? How did Rome fall?
4. How did the Byzantine Empire continue the Roman Empire? What kind of an
emperor was Justinian? How did the empire ultimately become Greek rather than
5. What did Islam do for the people of the Arabian Peninsula? How were its ideas
contrary to the way the people of Mecca lived? What caused them to begin
expanding after Muhammad’s death? What caused the Sunni-Shi’a split?
6. What influence did the Christian Church have on Europe after the fall of Rome?
Did Europe truly experience a Dark Age after the fall of Rome? Why or why not?
7. How did the Germanic tribes operate after the fall of Rome? Did all of them
continue the practices of the Romans? How were the Franks able to gain power in
Europe? What was the ultimate weakness of the Frankish kings?
8. How was Pepin the Short able to become king of Francia? How did the
relationship between the king and the pope develop, and how did this help both
sides, as well as their successors? What did Charlemagne do for the empire and
for education?
9. How did feudalism develop? What effects did that have on the European kings?